[Gush Shalom] Today - government minister dedicates illegal outpost

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Wed Dec 3 13:46:41 IST 2003

GUSH SHALOM pob 3322, Tel-Aviv www.gush-shalom.org

Senior cabinet minister to dedicate illegal settler outpost 
today at Hebron, West Bank      

Gush Shalom Press Release 3/12/2003

In recent weeks, the  Sharon Government is under pressure from the US to 
start dismantling illegal settlement outposts in the Occupied Territories, as 
clearly stipulated in the "Road-map for Peace" recently enshrined in a UN 
Security Council resolution. Defence Minister Mofaz made 
pronouncements about his intention to dismantle "some" of these 
outposts "in the near future". But meanwhile, a senior minister in the 
Sharon cabinet is today going to endorse and give public support to the 
creation of just such an illegal settlement outpost deep inside the 
Palestinian city of Hebron. 
Housing Minister Effie Eitam, leader of the National Religious Party and 
member of Sharon's Inner Cabinet, is going to arrive today at what the 
Hebron settlers call "The Heroes' Outpost" - a piece of Palestinian land in  
the heart of the Old City of Hebron seized by settlers last year, in which   
they had maintained a continuous presence despite being several times 
"evicted" in front of TV cameras. 
Minister Eitam is going to be take part in a large-scale gathering to be held 
at that particular location today (Wednesday., December 3) at 3.30 PM, 
where he is due to "dedicate a Torah scroll". At Minister Eitam's side in 
that ceremony there will be the notorious Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, who 
last year called upon settlers to help themselves to olives from the groves 
of their Palestinian neighbors - since, as the Rabbi put it, "God makes the 
rains fall solely for the sake of the Jews".
According to a settler ad placed in the extreme-right paper "Makor 
Rishon" (28/11), the settlers are going to bus in their friends from 
Jerusalem, with the convoy of bullet-proof buses closely guarded by the 
army, which is also due to detail a considerable force to guarding the 
ceremony itself. So much for the "evacuation" of settler outposts, 
promised by Sharon to every visiting diplomat...

Further details: Adam Keller, +972-3-5565804 or  +972-56-709603 


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