[GushShalomBillboard] Without peace, death reigns supreme

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Fri Jun 21 23:01:12 IDT 2002

   // Gush Shalom Billboard //

[Through billboard we forward about twice a week what is on the agenda, based upon 
our own material and on announcements received from others. We include articles and 
reports. For more information, approach the addresses appearing in each item.]

[1] Seven children killed - Adam Keller   
[2] Without peace, death reigns supreme [Gush Shalom in weekly ad] 
[3] Stop Suicide Bombings 
     (the appeal by Palestinian public figures)
[4] Peace Now Tel-Aviv demo this Weekend, Saturday June 22 
[5] Two more refuseniks jailed 
[6] Study day in Haifa about conscientious objection 
[7] Collecting books for library in unrecognized village
[8] Internationals continue to report from within Jenin
[9] PHR-Israel: Court Ruling Secures Care for Palestinian Patient 
                     but Avoids Question of Control vs. Responsibility
[10] Two exhibitions at Givat Haviva
[11] 90% [of the settlers] ready to leave - Akiva Eldar in Ha'aretz

[1] Seven children killed - Adam Keller  

Seven children, killed within twenty-four hours. Seven young victims of the occupation. 
Three Israeli settler children, who have never known any life but that of settlers at the 
religious-nationalist settlement of Itamar on the West Bank, killed by an armed 
Palestinian breaking in. Four Palestinian children, born into life under occupation at 
Jenin, killed by the shell of an occupying Israeli tank. Two societies locked in a terrible 
struggle: Israelis, living under the shadow of the sucide bombings, feeling little and no 
empathy for the Palestinian suffering; an Israeli cabinet launching once again a 
massive invasion of the Palestinian cities, with the very ministers who voted for the 
measure knowing it to be futile; desperate Palestinians regarding suicide bombings as 
the one way of getting back at their oppressors - despite the obvious way these 
bombings play into Sharon's hands, despite the increasingly vocal opposition to the 
bombings inside the Palestinian society itself. The present situation is eroding and 
destroying two societies. 

[2] Without peace, death reigns supreme [Gush Shalom in weekly ad]

Peace has a price. We all know it: ending the occupation, dismantling the settlements 
and establishing the Palestinian state. But the price of the occupation is far higher: 
blood and bereavement without end.

A band of bankrupt politicians, generals and police commanders is trying to hide their 
failure by inventing new tricks every week: fences, obstacles, trenches, incursions, 
executions, closures, blockades, Jerusalem Envelope. After the failure of “Defensive 
Shield”, they now propose “Defensive Shield Plus”.

Tricks will not help: without the hope of peace, death will continue to reign.
Gush Shalom,
Help us with donations to
P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033,
Phone 972-3-5221732.

Gush Shalom ad published in Ha'aretz, June 21, 2002
[3] Stop Suicide Bombings
   (the appeal by Palestinian public figures)
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Date sent:      	Thu, 20 Jun 2002 15:15:24 +0200
From:           	"MIFTAH" <miftah at miftah.org>

Urgent Appeal to Stop Suicide Bombings

We the undersigned feel that it is our national responsibility to issue 
this appeal in light of the dangerous situation engulfing the Palestinian 
people. We call upon the parties behind military operations targeting 
civilians in Israel to reconsider their policies and stop driving our 
young men to carry out these operations. Suicide bombings deepen the 
hatred and widen the gap between the Palestinian and Israeli people. 
Also, they destroy the possibilities of peaceful co-existence between 
them in two neighboring states. 

We see that these bombings do not contribute towards achieving our 
national project that calls for freedom and independence. On the 
contrary, they strengthen the enemies of peace on the Israeli side and 
give Israel’s aggressive government under Sharon the excuse to continue 
its harsh war against our people. This war targets our children, elderly, 
villages, cities, and our national hopes and achievements. 

Military action is viewed are not assessed as positive or negative 
exclusively out of the general context and situation. They assessed based 
on whether they fulfill political ends. Therefore, there is a need to re-
evaluate these acts considering that pushing the area towards an 
existential war between the two people living on the holy land will lead 
to destruction for the whole region. We do not find any logical, humane, 
or political justification for this end result. 

Below are some of the Palestinian intellectuals and public figures who 
have signed the petition: 

Dr. Sari Nuseiba 
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi 
Saleh Ra’fat 
Salah Zuheika 
Mamdouh Nofal 
Hanna Sineora 
Dr. Mohammad Ishtiya 
Ibrahim Kandalaft 
Dr. Eyad El-Sarraj 
Dr. Moussa El-Budeiri 
Huda El-Imam 
Dr. Marwan Abu El-Zuluf 
Saman Khoury 
Dr. Said Zidani 
Dr. Omayya Khammash 
Dr. Jad Is’haq 
Dr. Manuel Hassasian 
Salah Abdel Shafi 
Shaher Sa’ad 
Dr. Mohammad Dajani 
Imad Awad 
Fadel Tahboub 
Majed Kaswani 
Taysir El-Zibri 
Dr. Ahmad Majdalani 
Dr. Taleb Awad 
Khader Sh’kirat 
Zahi Khouri 
Majed Abu Qubo’ 
Ehab Boulous 
Dr. Isam Nassar 
Dr. Salim Tamari 
Dr. Suad El-Ameri 
Dr. Adam Abu Sh’rar 
Dr. Riema Hamami 
Subhi El-Z’beidi 
Dr. Munther El-Dajani 
Osama Daher 
Simone Cupa 
Jeana Abu El-Zuluf 
Yousef Daher 
Jamal Zaqout 
Dr. Saleh Abdel Jawwad 
Dr. Nathmi El-Ju’ba 
Dr. Jamil Hilal 
Dr. Arafat El-Hadmi 
Dr. Leila Faydi 
Dr. Zakaria El-Qaq 
Amna Badran 
Dr. Ali Q’leibo 
Marwan Tarazi 
Dr. Raja’I El-Dajani 
Issa Q’seisiya 
Hani El-Masri 
Dr. Jumana Odeh 
Lucy Nuseiba 
Abdel Qader El-Husseini 
Zahra El-Khaldi 

[4] Peace Now Tel-Aviv demo this Weekend, Saturday June 22

[We didn't receive this week updated information about the simultaneous Peace Now 
events in other towns.] 

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From:           	"Ori Ginat" <ori at peacenow.org.il>
Date sent:      	Tue, 18 Jun 2002 18:25:37 +0200
We had a brilliant demo last week, more than expected. We will meet again this 
weekend, Saturday, June 22 20:00. Same place, in front of the MacDonald's and the 
American embassy. The expectation this week is higher, I'm asking each and 
everyone of you to pass on this e-mail to his friends and let everybody know the new 
For any sort of information, please feel free to call Ori: 03-5663291 054-405157 or mail 
to: ori at peacenow.org.il

[5] Two more refuseniks jailed
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From:           	"peretz kidron" <cherryk at zahav.net.il>
Date sent:      	Thu, 20 Jun 2002 23:02:35 +0200

Dear friend,
Two more refuseniks have been jailed:
Infantry First Sgt. (res.) Guy Rozin, (Military ID 3777618) was sentenced on June 16 to 
28 days. Guy Rozin (28), an independent caterer from Tel Aviv, is the brother of 
refusenik Eyal Rozin; he is married with 2 children.
Guy was called to duty in the April emergency call-up.  On reporting, he told his 
superiors he refused to serve in the territories, and was sent home. Some days later, 
his officers contacted him and tried to talk him into joining the unit at Psagot. Guy 
reiterated his refusal to serve in the territories, though adding that he'd consider an 
alternative posting. Last Thursday his unit made contact to notify him he was a 
deserter and would stand trial for that offence. At his trial on Sunday, Guy did not 
admit the desertion charge, but was found guilty and sent to jail. He has appealed his 
sentence but has received no reply to date.
Also sentenced to 14 days in Military Prison 4 on June 17 was R.B.N. (at his request, 
his name and particulars are withheld).
Guy's address:
First Sgt. (res.) Guy Rozin, (Military ID 3777618)
Military Prison 4
Military Postal No. 02507,
IDF, Israel

Guy can also be contacted via: daphna_r at zahav.net.il
Currently serving prison sentences are 9 refuseniks of different categories.  This is a 
significant number, though it marks a reduction from the record total of 69 jailed in 
April, when "Operation Defensive Shield" involved a massive emergency call-up of 
reservists.  After a series of contradictory statements by IDF spokesmen, it now 
seems that the current offensive in the occupied territories does after all involve a 
renewed call-up of reserve units, and a further wave of refusals can be expected.
[6] Study day in Haifa about conscientious objection
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From:           	Sergeiy Sandler <sergeiy at netvision.net.il>
Date sent:      	Thu, 20 Jun 2002 16:18:23 +0200

Dear Friends,

We would like to invite you to participate in a study day that will take place in 
Haifathis Saturday. The study day is for objectors, avoiders of military service of all 
ages and creeds, their friends and parents and anyone who would like to exchange 
their experiences in this field.

The study day will take place the coming Saturday, 22 June, in Beit Ruttenberg, 
Sderot Ha-Nasi 77, Haifa. We will assemble at 11:30 and the event will probably end at 
around 17:00. Attached you will find an invitation in Hebrew.

Please circulate the invitation to people that you think will be interested. We also have 
versions of this invitation in Russian and in Arabic, which can be found on the New 
Profile website - www.newprofile.org.

See you there,
Ruti Hiller and Sergeiy Sandler - New Profile

[7] Collecting books for library in unrecognized village
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From:           	"Devorah Brous" <deb2000 at zahav.net.il>
Date sent:      	Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:31:02 +0200


Collecting books--last call--for the library Bustan is creating at the
unrecognized village, Kochli-Abu Rabiyya.
(Elementary and Intermediate levels in Hebrew, Arabic and English)

To receive updates on Bustan actions promoting human rights and land rights,
please send an email to:
bustanlshalom-subscribe at yahoogroups.com

[8] Internationals continue to report from within Jenin
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From:           	Huwaida Arraf <huwaidaa at yahoo.com>
Date sent:      	Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:40:21 -0700 (PDT)

Jenin, June 20 2002

Internationals in Jenin continue to report on the invasion of the
camp launched at 1am on June 19. It began with aerial bombing from
Apache helicopters followed by shelling from approximately 50 tanks
that lasted until 7am June 19th.

The Israeli army proceeded from house to house, making arrests,
looting and vandalizing stores, and trashing and exploding houses.
Caoimhe Butterly from Ireland saw injuries from severe beatings,
including of children as young as 13. Men were bound hand and foot.
Caoimhe herself was beaten twice, called a "Nazi Cow" and an "Arab
fucker" for "helping Palestinian terrorists."

Late on the 19th, the Army announced from the tanks that all men
between 15-50 years of age were to report to a school in Jenin.
Between 2000-2500 men went to the school where soldiers detained,
strip searched, and left them under guard on the main street. Among
those detained were:! a man in a wheelchair, a blind man, a man on
crutches, a man with severe mental illness, and several children
under 15 years of age. Many detainees were never given time to get
their ID papers; they are in a very precarious situation as a

Soldiers took these men to Salam military base and released some of
them to Romnaneh and Burkeen, telling them not to return to Jenin
until Saturday.

The Army is still in Jenin destroying houses. They have exploded 12
houses after evacuating the families. Five bulldozers are at the
outskirts of the city and have already damaged a school. The camp's
population is now women, children, and elderly. Ambulances are being
blocked. The Israeli Army has cut water, electricity, and telephone
lines in the camp.

The Army is beginning to repeat in Jenin city what it has doen in
the camp, going house to house and rounding up the men as well as
shelling sporadically. One so! ldier is walking the streets beating
people with a baton.

The Army also invaded Bethlehem this morning at 4am, imposed a
curfew, and is starting to go house to house.

In Jenin:

Jim Davis 053-812874 Ireland
Caoimhe Butterly. 055-975374 Ireland
Juliana Friedman, US 067-373-467
Tubias Carlson, Sweden 067-362-344
Rick Rowley, US 067-456-158
Rebecca Murray, US 055-558-954
Hyung-mi Kim, Korea 067-373-467

[9] PHR-Israel: Court Ruling Secures Care for Palestinian Patient 
                     but Avoids Question of Control vs. Responsibility
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From:              PHR-Israel <michal at phr.org.il>
Date sent:      	Mon, 17 Jun 2002 22:32:20 +0200



June .17th, 2002




On June 11th, 2002, the High Court ruled in the case of four and a half year old Shams 
A-Din Tabia from Jericho who is in dire need of medical treatment that cannot be 
obtained in the Occupied Territories. The Court decided that an Israeli hospital would 
accept the Palestinian Authority's commitment for payment for the boy's life-saving 
medical treatment in Israel. Once the commitment is received the boy can begin 
treatment for his disease at the Sha'are Zedek Medical Center in West Jerusalem. 
(Please see previous press release below for further details)

Over the past few days arrangements for the provision of the commitment for payment 
by the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah were impeded due to the curfew that has 
been imposed upon the city.  The commitment did arrive today, June 17th, from the 
Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza. We wish the best for Shams A-Din and hope for 
his speedy recovery. 

While this case has helped one little boy, it has not solved the larger issue at hand. 
The High Court of Justice refused to take this opportunity to make a precedential ruling 
that would determine the nature of Israel's responsibility for the well-being of 
Palestinians under its control. Israel's approach towards provision of healthcare to the 
Palestinian population has been inconsistent at best, and the crucial question 
remains: what are the moral ramifications when Israel maintains control over the 
Palestinian community in the Occupied Territories but at the same time shrugs off its 
responsibility to ensure provision of services to the occupied population?

For further analysis of this case please see Gideon Levy's article in Ha'aretz, June 
16th, 2002.


PHR–Israel in an Urgent Appeal to the High Court of Justice: The State of Israel is 
Obligated to Provide Medical Care for a Palestinian Child with a Life-Threatening 


June .9th, 2002

Four and a half year old Shams A-Din Tabia from Jericho suffers from a life threatening 
disease for which he cannot receive medical treatment in the Occupied Territories. 
Suffering from x-linked limphoproliferative disorder, the same kind of cancer from which 
his brother died nine years ago at the age of three, Shams must receive chemotherapy 
treatment promptly. 

There exists no hospital in the Occupied Territories that can provide adequate 
treatment for a child with this rare and dangerous disease. Prof. Abrahamov from the 
Children's Oncology Department at the Sha'are Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem is 
willing and able, after having examined the child, to provide him with the necessary 
medical treatment.

But who is to pay?

PHR-Israel, having approached the Civil Administration on June 5th, 2002 and having 
received no satisfactory reply, has today, June 9th, 2002, filed a petition to the High 
Court of Justice to cover medical expenses that will be accrued during treatments, 
Shams will not receive treatment if his expenses are not covered. 

In its petition, PHR-Israel quotes section 16 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and 
High Court ruling 2936/02 which states:

" However, the State emphasizes that the IDF sees itself as committed to fulfilling the 
rules of Humanitarian Law not only because these ensue from the rulings of 
International Law, but also for moral and utilitarian considerations"

(transl. PHR-Israel)

It is PHR-Israel's belief that Israel is responsible for the well-being of this child as an 
occupying power and that it has a moral and legal obligation to provide this child with 
the necessary medical treatment, particularly in a case such as this, where the 
treatment is a life-saving one . 

We await the Court's ruling.

[10] Two exhibitions at Givat Haviva

----- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"Mohammad Darawshe" <dovergh at inter.net.il>
Date sent:      	Tue, 18 Jun 2002 05:51:23 +0200

                        Exhibition -Conclusion of Two Projects
                  "The Language of the Land" & "Through Others' Eyes"
                25 June 2002 at 17:00 at The Arts Center, Givat Haviva

                                 Under the Auspices of:
 Ms. Yvonne Silverman - Chair of the Board of Givat Haviva Educational Foundation - 
                         Arab and Jewish Mayors and dignitaries

* "The Language of the Land" is a unique educational project which deals with 
encounters between Jewish and Arab youth through the arts. Art in all its forms is a 
direct means and tool for bridging gaps and cultures, and bringing people together 
through joint activity.

In this project, a meetinghouse based on a geodesic dome with walls of earth was built 
by the youth. The issue of "land" is a key issue, symbolizing disagreement in the 
Middle East conflict, but on the other hand, in this project, it comprises a good 
connection and means of fostering dialogue. 

The meetinghouse will serve as a hut to host encounters between Arabs and Jews 
seeking dialogue and understanding, working to build a common future built on 
acceptance, justice, and cooperation.

* "Through Others' Eyes" exhibit reflects the cooperative work of Jewish and Arab 
youth, from Kafr Qare' and Mevo'ot Irron schools. They used cameras to learn 
photography while documenting the lives of the other. At the beginning the youth 
photographed each other, and then each other's homes and environment. This gave 
them anopportunity to get aquainted with the families and lives of what was previously 
considered a hostile community. The project helped the students to learn first hand 
how to perceive the other.

Mohammad Darawshe
Director of Public Relations
Givat Haviva, The Jewish-Arab Center for Peace
Tel: +972-(0)4-6309266
Fax: +972-(0)4-6309305
Mobile: +972-(0)64-475437

[11] 90% [of the settlers] ready to leave - Akiva Eldar in Ha'aretz
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From: Ran HaCohen <hacohen at post.tau.ac.il>
Date: Wed Jun 19, 2002  01:37:32 AM US/Pacific

 I'd like to turn your attention to a short important text by Akiva Eldar 
 (hebrew Haaretz, 18.6), typically OMITTED from his text in Haaretz' 
 English edition.

 The following provisory translation is therefore my own - rh.

90% Ready to leave (Akiva Eldar, Haaretz [hebrew only], 18.6.2002)

Minister Affe Eitam accused the other day the initiators of the security 
fence of "forsaking the security of 200.000 Israelis" living on its 
eastern side. But a research conducted in the past year may actually 
imply that it is Eitam and a negligable minority of "ideological settlers"
who forsake the security of most of the Israeli citizens living in the 
West Bank.
     According to the research, which is due to be published in the 
coming weeks, less than 10% of the settlers in the territories, i.e. less 
than 5,000 families, replied negatively to the question whether they 
would be ready to return to Israel for a reasonable compensation. What is 
meant is a sum of money that will enable them to purchase a reasonable 
flat in central Israel. When this research is published, the Israeli 
public will understand that the government holds hostage more than 
180.000 people.
     At the end of 1993, short after the signing of the Oslo accord, 
Knesset Member Yossi Katz (Labour) initiated a compensation plan for 
settlers who expressed their wish to evacuate their homes. Katz says it 
was a reaction to the requests of many families who had moved to the 
territories for reasons of "quality of life". Thanks to Katz plan, 
several hundred familis who then returned to the Green Line received 800 
NIS [$200] a month as rent aid.
     In 1999, after a big Knesset majority had vetoed law proposals to 
compensate the settlers, KM Anat Maor [Meretz] decided to try once more. 
She got the idea from an approach of the settlers of Rimonim. KM Chaim 
Ramon, initiator of the idea of evacuating the settlers who live outside 
the "blocks" near the Green Line, as well as the rest of his colleagues 
of Labour, did not give a hand to Maor's proposal. Ramon says that 
private law proposals are not a suitable airstrip for this kind of 
initiatives. Nevertheless, he would bless his representatives in the 
cabinet if they initiate a plan to rehabilitate settlers that the only 
thing keeping them in the territories is the mortgage on a house that no 
one wants to buy from them.
     A letter sent last month to research institutes that seek 
solutions for the problem of Palestinian refugees and Israeli settlers 
indicates that the issue bothers the American administration too. In her 
letter, Meredith Lobel [sp.?] of the research department of ASHOKA, 
specialising in social and communital initiatives world-wide, writes that 
"senior government officials who deal with the peace process" asked the 
head of the institute, William Driton [sp.?], to present helpful ideas. 
ASHOKA is now working on a sort of "rehabilitation package for the heroes 
of peace". Alongside with assistance in housing, education andemployment,
the plan suggests turning the refugees and the settlers from the victims 
of peace to its flagbearers.

NB: The campaign to free Marwan Barghouti is getting organized - go to

    Full transcript of the war crimes panel available on the Gush site
    For Hebrew   http://www.gush-shalom.org/archives/forum.html
    For English  http://www.gush-shalom.org/archives/forum_eng.html
    French available at request 
Also on the site:
    photo's - of action or otherwise informative 
    the weekly Gush Shalom ad - in Hebrew and English 
    the columns of Uri Avnery - in Hebrew, Arab and English	
    (and a lot more) 
In order to receive our Hebrew statements [WORD documents - not always same as 
English] mailto: gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org + write 
subscribe in the subject line

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can send a cheque or 
cash, wrapped well in an extra piece of paper, to: 

     Gush Shalom pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive donations on behalf of Gush 

(Please, add your email address where to send our confirmation of receipt. 
 More official receipts at request only.)

For more about Gush Shalom  you are invited to visit our renewed website:

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