[GushShalom] demonstration tomorrow
Nimrod S. Kerrett
man at zzzen.com
Tue Jul 23 22:45:36 IDT 2002
NOTE: This message is being reposted to the international list due to technical problems. We're truly sorry if you got this more than once, but since it's an important issue, we have to repost this for the sake of those who didn't get the original post.
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - http://www.gush-shalom.org/
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Tomorrow, July 24 at 6.00 pm Defence Ministry, Kaplan St. - protest against the policy
of liquidation and provocation.
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[English after Hebrew]
àðùé âåù ùìåí éôâéðå îçø îåì îùøã äáéèçåï áîçàä òì äôøåáå÷öéä áòæä
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úðåòú âåù ùìåí ú÷ééí îùîøú îçàä îçø, éåí øáéòé 24 áéåìé 2002 ùòä
6.00, îåì îùøã äáéèçåï, øçåá ÷ôìï úì-àáéá, áîçàä òì äôøåáå÷öéä áòæä,
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ùì äøéâú àæøçéí, øåáí éìãéí, áùí "ääâðä äòöîéú".
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03-5565804 àå 056-709603
We call upon you to join tomorrow our protest in front of the Defence Ministry in Tel-
Aviv, Kaplan Street, at 6.00 pm. against the deliberate destruction of a chance for
cease fire, and against the intolerable ease of killing civilians, most of them children, in
the name of "self-defence."
We will hold up the following slogans
Killing = Killing
Liquidations lead to suicide bombings
Killing Palestinian children is also terrorism
For more information: 03-5221732 / 03-5565804
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"...we do not seek to be victims nor do we seek to be heroes. All that we want is to be ORDINARY." -- Mahmoud Darwish
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