Protest at Defense Ministry T.A, Sat. 19.00 - re shooting of peace activists

otherisr at otherisr at
Sat Dec 27 01:42:48 IST 2003

     äôâðä îçø, îåöàé-ùáú, ä- 27.12.03  á- 19:00 îåì îùøã äáéèçåï áøçåá 
     ÷ôìï áúì-àáéá, áò÷áåú ôöéòú ôòéì éùøàìé áéåí ùéùé îéøé çééìé öä"ì. 
                                                           æä ìà áéèçåï 
                                                       æä æìæåì áçéé àãí
                                                       ãé ìôâéòä áàæøçéí

Defense Ministry Kaplan St. Tel-Aviv, 
Shabbat evening, Dec. 27 at 7pm (19.00)
This is Not Security! 
This is Disregard for Human Life! 
Stop Hurting Civilians!
       äéå ëîä åëîä éåæîåú ñôåðèðéåú ìäôâéï åìîçåú, îéã ëàùø ðåãò îä ÷øä           
         áîñçä. áäúéòöåú äèìôåðéú äøçáä áéåúø äàôùøéú, åòì ãòú         äéåæîéí  
           äî÷åøééí ùì ääôâðä áîñçä, äåñëí ùäîùîøú úäéä á7.00- åìà áùòä                 
                 îå÷ãîú éåúø ëôé ùðàîø áçì÷                                                             îï 
This is nobody's specific initiative, but the result of many comparable 
spontaneous reactions, as were the initiatives to phone to the hospital 
where Gil is being treated and to the Ariel Police where Yonathan is still 
being held (the police want to remand him in custody; adv. Gabi Laski 
fights to get him released).

After a host of phone calls with Yonathan's parents, Liad, Shelley we call 
upon you to come to the Defense Ministry in Tel-Aviv, Shabbat evening 
at 7pm (19.00) and not earlier (as appeared in one of the initiatives). 

For confirmation:
Shelley 054-547989
Liad 067-724519
Pollack family: 03-5161041 / 054-507522
Uri Ayalon: 03-6296945
Adam Keller: 03-5565804 / 056-709603
The shooting of peace activists with live bullets during an anti-Wall 
protest caused many people to take initiatives.

Here follow some texts which were proposed, and between we cannot 
   áçåãùéí äàçøåðéí àéï ëîòè éåí áìé äøåâéí ôìñèéðéí, òùøåú áëì çåãù, ìà 
      îòèéí îäí çôéí îôùò, âí áú÷åôä ùàéï ôéâåòéí. îä ùðçùá áéùøàì ë- "3 
       çãùé ù÷è", ìà äéä ëê áëìì òáåø äôìñèéðéí áùèçéí; åîòâì äãîéí äâéò 
áñåôå ùì ãáø âí àìéðå áôéâåò áå                                                         
                                                        ðäøâå 4 éùøàìéí.
 äéåí, éåí ùéùé, ëúâåáä ìôòéìåú îçàä ðâã äçåîä, éøå çééìé öä"ì éøé îëååï 
     àì ôòéì éùøàìé, ôöòå àåúå ÷ùä, åôöòå ÷ì îôâéðä ðåñôú. áöä"ì îàîéðéí 
     ùîåúø ìéøåú éøé çé òì ÷áåöú àðùéí áìúé-çîåùéí ùòåñ÷éí áôòéìåú îçàä, 
àí äæäéøå àåúí îøàù àå àí                                        îé îäí çåáù 
                                                   ãáø æä àå àçø ìøàùå! 
       ùø äáéèçåï, äîô÷ãéí äáëéøéí, åäîô÷ãéí áùèç îòåããéí àú éãí ä÷ìä ùì 
   äçééìéí òì ääã÷ áëê ùàéðí çå÷øéí, àéðí îòîéãéí ìãéï áàåôï îééãé åàéðí 
        îèéìéí òåðùéí îùîòåúééí òì çééìéí ùäåøâéí ôìñèéðéí áîöáéí áäí ìà 
    ðù÷ôú ñëðä ìçéé äçééìéí.                 éåúø îëê, äåøàåú-äôúéçä-áàù 
                                            òöîï îòåããåú æìæåì áçéé àãí!
     àðå ÷åøàéí ìäôñé÷ àú äôâéòä áàæøçéí, ìç÷åø, ìäòîéã ìãéï åìäòðéù áëì 
çåîøú äãéï                                                àú äàçøàéí ìôâéòåú 
                         This is Not Security! 
                   This is Disregard for Human Life! 
                        Stop Hurting Civilians!

A demonstration tomorrow, Saturday 27.12.03, 19:00/18:00 (?), in front of 
the army's headquarters, Hakirya, Tel-Aviv, following the ijury of an Israeli 
activist on Friday, by Israeli soldiers' shooting. 

In the last few months Palestinians were killed almost every day, dozens 
every month, a lot of them were innocent. And this in times when there 
were no suicide-bombings. What was refered to in Israel as "Three quiet 
months" was not at all like that for the Palestinians in the OT. The vicious 
cycle of bloodshed eventually reached us, in a suicide bombing in which  
4 Israelis were killed.

Today, Friday 26.12.03, in response to a protest action against the wall, 
Israeli soldiers intentionally shot an Israeli activist, causing him serious 
injury and lightly injuring another demonstrator. The Israeli army believes 
that it's OK to shoot live bullets at a group of unarmed people, engaging in 
protest activity, if they were pre-warned or if one of them has some kind of 

The defence minister, the high command and the commanders in the field 
encourage the light hand of soldiers on the trigger by refraining from 
investigating, immediately pressing charges, and severely punishing  
soldiers that kill Palestinians in cases were the soldiers are in no danger of 
being hurt. Furthermore, the instructions for opening fire themselves 
foster a disregard for human life!

We demand to stop hurting civilians, to investigate, press charges against 
and severely punish those responsible for such acts.


As we deal with the shock of two peace activists being shot by the Israeli 
army while protesting the Apartheid Wall, as we mourn the many 
thousands of victims of the earthquake in Iran, of the gas explosion in 
China and of the flight in Benin, as we watch the funerals of the four 
young Israelis who died in Thursday's suicide bombing and witness the 
destruction of the family home of the (also young) Palestinian bomber - 
>From his hospital bed, one of the wounded from the Thursday bombing 
had this to say about how to end the cycle of violence: "We must seek 
every road towards peace. Perhaps if we get out of their territories, there 
will be a chance for peace." 

thanks for the posting - lots of calls getting through and interest in the 

(more from Rayna was sent later)
One of the people who called the Ariel police and then called me to say 
that he did, was Aharon Hirsch, 80 years old, who together with his wife 
Re'uma participate in the Tel Ha'shomer project. (...)  When he spoke with 
the Ariel police, they asked him who he was and he said "I am a citizen of 
40 years, a bereaved father who lost a son to war and I'm calling to tell you 
that shooting at these activists is a disrespect to my son's memory and to 
me and my wife."

                                                          äåãòä ìòéúåðåú
                      äéåí  ðçöå îñôø ÷åéí àãåîéí áéçñå  ùì öä"ì ìôòéìé 
                                                                  ùìåí .
                  åîúåê ãàâä ìãîå÷øèéä äéùøàìéú, àùø îàáãú àú îöôåðä  ….
                       àðå ãåøùéí îàìåó ôé÷åã äîøëæ åäøîèë"ì ìúú àú äãéï
                        åìäîöéà äñáø îôåøè ìú÷øéú äçîåøä , àùø àøòä äéåí
                                         áöäøéí áëôø îñçä, áúåê 48 ùòåú.
                         ìà ðòáåø áùúé÷ä òì ôâéòä áâåôí åáçåôù ôòåìúí ùì
                                                        îôâéðéí åôòéìéí.
                  äîùê äëéáåù îùôéò áàåôï éùéø òì äàåôé äãîå÷øèé ùì òøëé
                                         äîãéðä, äîåñø åçåôù äáòú äãòä .
                                                       äàøâåðéí äçáøúééí
                                                    çééìéí/÷öéðéí ñøáðéí
                                                                 ùçø. ä.

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