(Fwd) URGENT- Please help release the 5 COs

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Tue Jan 6 02:01:46 IST 2004

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From:           	"Anat Biletzki" <anatbi at post.tau.ac.il>
To:             	<Seruv at www.actcom.co.il>
Subject:        	URGENT- Please help release the 5 COs 
Date sent:      	Tue, 6 Jan 2004 00:47:19 +0200

English follows

ëúáå ìøàù àë"à áá÷ùä ìùçøø àú çîùú ñøáðé äëéáåù - åäöèøôå ìäôâðä îåì äëìà
áùáú ä÷øåáä

åãàé ëáø ùîòúí ùòì çîùú ñøáðé äîöôåï, äîñøáéí ìäúâééñ ìöáà ëéáåù, äåèì
îàñø ùì ùðä úîéîä - îáìé ìäúçùá á-14 äçåãùéí àåúí øéöå ëáø áîàñøéí åáîòöø.

ùáåòééí ìàçø îúï âæø äãéï, òì øàù àë"à ìàùø àåúå, àå ìäçìéè òì ä÷ìä áòåðù.
áñîëåúå ùì àìåó âéì øâá, øàù àë"à, ìäîúé÷ àú òåðùí ùì äçîéùä ìôé ùé÷åì
ãòúå. àðà ëéúáå àìéå åöééãå àåúå áðéîå÷éí. ëæëåø, äçîéùä áé÷ùå ìäîéø àú
ùéøåúí äöáàé áùéøåú àæøçé, áãéå÷ îï äñåâ áå úîê øâá òöîå ìà ôòí.

ëúåáúå ùì øàù àë"à:
        àìåó âéì øâá,
        øàù àâó ëç àãí áöä"ì,
        ä÷øéä, úì-àáéá
        ã.ö. 02919

        ô÷ñ: 03-5692933

ôøèéí ðåñôéí, ðåñç ñèðãøèé ìîëúá ëæä, åáòé÷ø - òöåîä ä÷åøàú ìùçøåø 
úåëìå ìîöåà áàúø ùëúåáúå www.refuz.org.il àðà á÷øå áàúø åùéìçå àú äìéð÷
ìëì îëøéëí.

áùáú ä÷øåáä, á- 12:30, ðòìä, îàåú îàúðå, òí úðåòú éù âáåì, òì ääø äîù÷éó
òì ëìà 6 ìéã òúìéú. äöèøôå àìéðå ìúîéëä ÷åìðéú áñøáðéí, á÷øéàä ìùçøåøí!

äåøé äñøáðéí

Write to the IDF Head of Manpower Dept, and Join our vigil near the 
on Saturday

You've probably heard already that the 5 draft resisters, who refuse to
enlist to an army of occupation, were sentenced to a whole year in the
military prison - this is on top of the 14 months they already spent in
prison and detention.

Two weeks after the sentence is given, the head of the manpower 
in the IDF has to either approve it or decide on a lighter punishment. It
is hence in the hands Bridadier General Gil Regev to act according to his
own judgement and nullilfy the court's decision. Please write to him,
helping him with convincing arguments. You may recall that the 5 offered
to serve their society in an alternative, civil service, of the kind that
Regev himself recommended as an option, more than once.

His address:
       Brigadier General Gil Regev
       Head of the Manpower Department, I.D.F.
       Hakirya Tel Aviv
       M.P. 02919

        Fax: 972-3-5692933

More details, a suggested version of such a letter, and especially a
petition calling for the 5's release you will find at www.refuz.org.il
Please visit this site and send the link to everyone you know.

This coming saturday we'll all demonstrate, with Yesh-Gvul, at the
military prison, near Athlit. Do join us in a loud call, supporting the
refusers and calling for their release!

Thanking you -
The refusers' parents forum

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