[GushShalom] antiWall news:Thu. Bidu / tomorrow CO to Bakum / Vanunu news

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Mon Apr 12 19:19:28 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org/

FYI: re Thu. Mass demo in Bidu village we will be in contact with 
Asherman after the end of the Chag about transportation from Tel-Aviv. 
If you can be there Thursday please inform the following 2 addresses: 
info at rhr.israel.net, info at gush-shalom.org 

See also: 
P.S. Reminder about CO Daniel Tsal
P.S. 2: Events for the Release of Mordechai Vanunu
Thu. Mass demo in Bidu village 

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"Rabbis for Human Rights" <info at rhr.israel.net>
To:             	<info at rhr.israel.net>
Subject:        	Now or Never
Date sent:      	Sun, 11 Apr 2004 17:40:46 +0200

English Follows Hebrew,


áéåí å' áùòä 10:00 éù ãéåï áâ"õ ðåñó á 9 äòúéøåú áðåâò ìúååàé äâãø 
òùøåú àìôé ãåðí îäëôøéí öôåï îòøá îé-í åáòæåø îåãòéï. áéåí ä' éù äôâðä
(øàä ìîèä) , ñéåø ìúåùáé àøîåï äðöéá åäúçìú äúàøâðåú ùëðéí áàæåø 
(øàä âí ìîèä) òëùéå, åìà îçø, àðå æ÷å÷éí ìòæøúê.

ìôðé ùáåò úîå öååé äôñ÷ú òáåãä áîñôø ð÷åãåú åäãçôåøéí çæåø åäøñå òöé æéú
(äøáä îäí áìé ìò÷åø àåúí áàåôï ùðéúï ìðèåò àåúí îçãù ëôé ùðäåâ).  éçã òí
æàú, äáâ"õ òãééï ãåçó àú äöáà ìùðåú áëì î÷åí àôùøé, äùëðéí äéäåãéí îîùéëéí
ìîçåú òì äúååàé åôìùúéðàéí åîñôø éùøàìéí îîùéëéí ìòîåã áôðé äãçôåøéí.  âí
éù áéú ááéãå ùòãééï òåîã ø÷ áæëåú æä ù 6 ôìùúéðàéí äúáöøå áúåëå åâåøåìå âí
éé÷áò áéåí å'.  îöéãí ùì äöáà, äí òëùéå òðå ìèòðåú àìåôé îåòöú ùìåí åáèçåï
ùúååàé àìèøðèéååé âí éåúø èåá îáçéðä áéèçåðéú áèòðä ùòì éùøàì ìäîùéê
ìäçæé÷ âáòåú äéëåìéí ìùîù ð÷åãåú éøé.  æàú àåîøú, îùðéí ìâîøé àú ÷åðöôöééä
äâãø ëãé ìäöãé÷ àú äúååàé äðåëçé (éù î÷åîåú ùäöáà ëï îñëéí ìùðåú).   ëîå
ùàðé äééúé îëéø àéìå áàîú äéä î÷øà ùàéï ãøê ìäöéì çééí çåõ îìúôåù àãîåú
ùòøê äçééí äåà àìéåï, ëàï  òí äáøéøä áéï çåîåú äçåùîéí àú äðåó ùì äéùåáéí
äéäåãéí åáéï úôéñú àãîåú, ùîéøøä òì æëåéåúäéäí åàãîåúéäí ùì ôìùúéðàéí

ëàùø áðé éùøàì òîãå åáëå òì ùôú äéí ëàùø öáà ôøòåä îú÷øá îàçåø.  ä' àîø/ä
ìîùä,  "îä úöò÷ àìé?  ãáø àì áðé éùøàì åéñòå!"  ìôé äîãøù, ä' ìà ÷øò àú
äéí òã ùáðé éùøàì ðëðåñ òì çåúîí. éù ìðå ëøâò çìåï äæãîðåéåú áâìì ðçøöåú
äáâ"õ, äòðééï äöéáåøé, äùúúôåú îåòöú ùìåí åáéèçåï, åëå'.  àðå éëåìéí ìáëåú
òì àéê äîîùìä éåöøú òì éãé úååàé äâãø ñúéøä áéï äæëåú ùìðå ìäâðä òöîéú
åáéï æëåéåúéäí ùì ôìùúéðàéí ìèéôåì øôåàé, ìàãîåúéäí åëå' - àå àðå éëåìéí
ìòùåú îòùéí:

1.  áéåí ä' úú÷ééí äôâðä ááéãå áäùúúôåú îñôø àøâåðéí.  ðöà îâï äôòîåï áùòä
11:30(æîï éùøàì) åðåãéòä òì ñéãåøé äñòä îú"à, äàøâåðéí äîùúúôéí åëå'
áäîùê. àðå éåãòéí ùéù îëí äøåöéí ìäáéòä ñåìéãøéåú àáì àéðëí øåöéí ìäéùúúó
áòîéãä áôðé äãçôåøéí.  úäéä àôùøåú ìîçåú åìäáéòä ñåìãøéåú áìé ìäéùúúó
áôòéìåú ëæàú åàðå çééáéí ìäåëéç ùéù öéáåø éùøàìé âãåì äëåìì îøëæ äîôä
äôåìéèéú äëåìì âí àìà äøåöéí âãø ùàéðå øåöä àú äúååàé äîúåëðï.

2.  áéåí å' àðå îá÷ùéí àú ðåëçåúëí ááéú äîùôè äòìéåï áùòä 10:00.

3. áùáåò äáà - áàåôï èðèèéáé éåí à' ñéåø åîôâù ìúåùáé àøîåï äðöéá
äîòåðééðéí ìöøó ìîàá÷ òí ùëéðéäí áùééê ñòéã.

4.  àðå îú÷ãîéí áäúàøâðåú ùëðéí éäåãéí áàæåøéí àçøéí.  áðåâò ìòæåø

áøöåððå ìéãò àúëí áðåùà úååàé äâãø ùúòáåø ìéã äëôø áéú ñéøà.åìá÷ù îëí
ìééãò áòé÷ø àú úåùáé îëáéí øòåú åîåãéòéï ùéäéå îåëðéí ìúîåê áòúéøä ùäåâùä
ìùéðåé äúååàé.

äëôø ðîöà ÷øåá ì÷å äéøå÷ åñîåê ìéùåá "îëáéí".áéï áéú ñéøà ìîëáéí ðîöàéí
îèòé æéúéí ùì áéú ñéøà.

îàæ 1948 àéáã äëôø àú øåá àãîåúéå. îúåê 4000 ãåðí ùäéå ìå á-48 
ðåúøå 500
ãåðí áìáã ùìà äåô÷òå.

úååàé äâãø äîúåëðï éâøåí ìäô÷òä ùì 500 äãåðí äðåúøéí îäí îúôøðñåú 

äúååàé âí âåøí ìëê ùëîä áúéí ééùàøå îòáø ìâãø áöã äéùøàìé.

áðåñó äâãø äîúåëððú áàæåø æä úñâåø àú ùìåùú äëôøéí,áéú ñéøà áéú 
åçøáúà îëì äëéååðéí òí ùòø àçã ìéöéàä åëðéñä. îé ùìà éäéä ìå àéùåø ìà 
ìäâéò àôéìå ìøîàììä.

úåùáé áéú ñéøà ùøåáí òáãå áéùøàì îöàå òöîí îçåñøé òáåãä îàæ úçéìú 
àú à÷öä. äô÷òú äàãîåú úçîéø îàã àú îöáí äëìëìé . ëáø äéåí îøâéùéí úåùáé
äëôø ùäëôø äåôê ìäéåú ãåîä ìîçðä ôìéèéí ò÷á äòåðé åäöôéôåú.

àí îéùäå îëí îòåðééï ìäöèøó ìòúéøä áá÷ùä öøå ÷ùø òí:

ãåøéú: 505133-068    àééìú: 9922421-02  àå ðàåä: 8557594-068

àå áàéîééì:  nava.sfp at nswas.com   dorit at nswas.com

òøá çâ äôñç àðå îàçìéí ìðå åìùëðéðå ìöàú îòáãåú ìçøåú åîùòáåã ìâàåìä.

çâ àáéá ùîç.

5.  àðå òãééï îçôùéí âí áàæåø øàù äòéï.

çâ ùîç,

Dear Friends and Supporters,

This Friday at 10:00 the Bagatz will reconvene to discuss the 9 appeals
regarding the route of the Barrier which will steal tens of thousands of
dunam of land from the villages Northwest of Jerusalem and in the 
area.  On Thursday there will be a demonstration (see below).  Also see
below for a neigbor's tour for residents of Armon HaNatziv and the
beginning of organizing in the Modiin area.  The time to act is NOW - 

A week ago the court ordered stop work orders were cancelled in a 
of points and the bulldozers resumed the uprooting of olive trees (many 
them were not uprooted in a way so that they could be replanted, as is 
custom.)  Nevertheless, the Bagatz continues to press the army to 
the route of the Barrier wherever possible, Jewish neighbors continue to
request that the route be changed  and Palestinians and some Israelis
continue to stand in front of bulldozers.  There is also a home in Bido
which is still standing only because 6 Palestinians barricaded 
inside.  Its fate will also be decided on Friday.  The IDF responded to
the claim of the retired generals of the Council for Peace and Security
that a different route would also be better in terms of defense by saying
that Israeli must hold on to points from which there could be shooting at
Jewish neighbor hoods.  In other words, the concept of the Barrier is
being drastically changed.(The army is considering changes in some 
 IN the same way that were there to be a case where there was truly no 
to save lives other than take land I would have to swallow hard and say
that human life takes precedence, if the choice is between taking land 
putting up walls that destroy the views from the Jewish neigborhoods, the
land must take precedence.

When the children of Israel were standing at the shores of the sea and
wailing as the army of Pharaoh approached, God said to Moses, " Why are
you crying to me?  Speak to the children of Israel that they should go
forward!" The Midrash adds that God did not part the waters of the sea
until the Children of Israel had entered the water up to their necks -
say noses. With  the seriousness with which the High Court is taking the
route of the barrier, the current surge in public concern, the 
of the Council for Peace and Security, etc., we have a window of
opportunity. We can wail about the way in which the government is 
a conflict between our right to self defense and the Palestinian's rights
to medical care, their land, etc - or we can act now so as to know that 
did whatever we could:

1.  There will be a demonstration in Bido on Thursday joined by a number
of organizations.  We will leave from Liberty Bell Garden's parking lot 
11:30 (Israeli time) and will notify about other organizations,
transportation from the Tel Aviv area, etc.  Please let us know if you
wish to participate.  We know that some of you do not want to be involved
in standing in front of bulldozers.  The demonstration will be arranged so
that you can participate and express solidarity without standing in front
of bulldozers, et/.  Itis terribly important that we prove that there is a
sizable Israeli public, including those who support the idea of a barrier
and are from the center of the political map, who are opposed to the
current route of the Barrier.

2.  Please attend the hearing at 10:00 on Friday

3.  We have tentatively set for next Sunday a neighbor's tour for
residents of Armon HaNatziv who are willing to help their neighbors from
Sheikh Said.

4.  Organizing of neighbors in the Modiin area has begun, particularly
relating to Beit Sira (See #4 in Hebrew above.)  For more info, call Nava
- 068-855595, nafa.sfp at nswas.com, Ayelet - 02-9922421 or Dorit -
068-505133 dorit at nswas.com

5.  We are still looking for people in the area of Rosh HaAyin

Khag Sameakh,

OLIVE OIL from the RHR office is now available at 20 NIS per liter or 250
NIS per jerrycan. We have 1.5 liter bottles available for 30 NIS.

Rabbis For Human Rights
42 Aza St. Jerusalem, 92384, Israel
Tel: 972-2-563-7731
Fax: 972-2-566-2815
Mobile:  972-50607034
info at rhr.israel.net
Website: www.rhr.israel.net

P.S. Reminder about CO Daniel Tsal

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"Anat Matar" <matar at post.tau.ac.il>

English below

                   ãðéàì öàì îñøá ìäúâééñ ìöáà 
                    ðìååä àåúå ìá÷å"í áéåí â', 13.4
    áéåí â' äáà, 13 ìàôøéì, áùòä 7:30, éúééöá 
ãðéàì öàì áá÷å"í åéöäéø òì                         
        ñéøåáå ìäúâééñ åìúú éã ìöáà ëåáù åîãëà. 
     ãðéàì äåãéò òì ñéøåáå äîúåëðï ìùø äáéèçåï 
ìôðé ùìåùä çåãùéí, åá÷ùúå                          
          ìäåôéò áôðé åòãú äîöôåï áöä"ì ðãçúä.
            áéðåàø ðéãåðå ìùðú îàñø çîùú äñøáðéí, 
àùø ñéøáå ìäúâééñ ìöáà              ëéáåù. ñéøåáå 
ùì ãðéàì äåàäøàùåï îñåâ æä ìàçø îúï âæø-äãéï   
äçîåø,ìîòè ñéøåáä ùì ìàåøä îéìåà, ùòðééðä ééãåï 
ááâ"ö áàåúå éåí òöîå.
           ðìååä àú ãðéàì ááåàå ìùòøé äá÷å"í áúì-
äùåîø, åð÷øà                                 
               ãé ìëéáåù åìãéëåé! éùåçøøå ñøáðé 
      (áòìé îëåðéåú åçñøé îëåðéåú îúá÷ùéí ìäùúãê 
æä ìæä áúçðú øëáú öôåï,                            
                                   áùòä 7:00)
                                    îúåê îëúáå ùì 
ãðéàì öàì ìùø äáéèçåï:
         "ò÷øåðåúéä ùì ä"ãîå÷øèéä äéçéãä áîæøç 
äúéëåï" äúøå÷ðå îëì úåëï,      úåê øîéñú æëåéåúéäí 
ùì ëùìåùä îéìéåï àðùéí, åáò÷éôéï äøéñä îúîãú ùì    
                    äéñåãåú ùòìéä àîåøä ìäéåú 
îåùúúú îãéðú éùøàì... 
         áæîðéí ëîå àìå áäéñèåøéä, àãí ùôåé çééá 
ìäú÷åîí ëðâã àåúä îòøëú       ùîàôùøú àú äîùê 
äãéëåé. éù ìé çåáä îåñøéú, ìà áçéøä, àìà çåáä ìñøá 
        ìäùúúó áëéáåù åìäéìçí áîåñãåú ùîáèìéí 
æëåéåú àðåùéåú ëä áñéñéåú.           àãí ùôåé 
ùäôçã åäâæòðåú òãééï ìà äùúìèå òìéå ìâîøé îçåéá 
áàåôï            àðåùé áñéñé ìñøá ìäéåú ùåúó 
áîòøëú ëéáåù åãéëåé ëîå ùöä"ì äôê                  

         Daniel Tsal refuses to enlist to an army of occupation
             We'll join him in the Induction Center on 13/4

Next Tuesday, April 14th, at 7:30, Daniel Tsal will arrive at the IDF 
Induction Center and will declare his refusal to join an occupying and 
oppressing army. 
Daniel informed the Minister of Defense about his planned refusal three 
months ago, and his request to be brought to the IDF conscience 
committee was rejected. 
Last January, the five COs who refused to enlist to an army of 
occupation were sentenced to one year imprisonment. Daniel is the 
first refuser who follows in their footsteps, apart from Laura Milo, whose 
case will be heard in the HCJ on the very same day 9am.

         We'll join Daneil at the gates of the Induction Center                   
     and will shout out loud - 
           Down with the occupation and the oppression! Free                  
     the consciencious objectors!

(Car owners are requested to stop at the Arlozorov terminal at 7:00 to 
pick up potential riders)

Excerpts from Daniel Tsal's letter to the defense minister:
"The principles of the "only democracy in the Middle East" have 
become void of meaning as a result of the trampling of the rights of 
about three million people, and more indirectly, of the ongoing 
destruction of the foundations on which the State of Israel is supposed 
to be based...
In such historical times, a sane individual must rise up against the 
system that makes the ongoing oppression possible. I have a moral 
obligation – not a choice but an obligation - to refuse to participate in 
the occupation and to struggle against the institutions that cancel such 
basic human rights. Any sane person, who has not yet been wholly 
overcome by fear and racism, must by dint of his basic humanity 
refuse to be part of an occupying and oppressive system such as the 
IDF has become."

P.S. 2: Events for the Release of Mordechai Vanunu
------- Forwarded message follows -------
To:             	ActLeft at yahoogroups.com
From:           	Rayna Moss <legalese at netvision.net.il>
Date sent:      	Mon, 12 Apr 2004 11:46:09 -0700

Hebrew follows

April 20-21
After 18 years in prison - Mordechai Vanunu will walk free on April 21 
Be there to welcome him

Tuesday, April 20, 13:00 - 20:00
Vigil at Ashkelon Prison

Wednesday, April 21, from 8:00 until Vanunu is released
Welcoming vigil at Ashkelon Prison

There will be a bus coming from the north (Galillee and Haifa) to the
Vanunu release vigil at Ashkelon prison on April 21 - very early in the
morning. If you want a place on the bus, please call Ali Zbeidat at

Details about the busses from Tel-Aviv - Jaffa and possible bus from 
Jerusalem will be posted soon.

Other events:
Wednesday, April 14, 21:30
Tel-Aviv Cinemateque
Film: "Who are you, Mordechai Vanunu?"
Followed by panel discussion with Gideon Spiro, Meir Vanunu, Ophir 

Thursday, April 15, 20:00
Hagada Hasmalit, 70 Achad Ha'am St. Tel-Aviv
"Why the Dimona reactor must be closed"
Knesset Member Issam Makhoul, Prof. Kalman Altman

20-21 áàôøéì
ìàçø 18 ùðéí áëìà, îøãëé åàðåðå éåöà ìçåôùé á-21 
áåàå ì÷áì àú ôðéå!

éåí ùìéùé, 20 áàôøéì, 13:00-20:00
îùîøú îåì ëìà àù÷ìåï

éåí øáéòé, 21 áàôøéì, î-8:00 òã ùåàðåðå îùåçøø
÷áìú ôðéí îåì ëìà àù÷ìåï

á-21 áàôøéì éöà àåèåáåñ îäöôåï (äâìéì åçéôä) ì÷áìú 
äôðéí ùì îøãëé åàðåðå
áëìà àù÷ìåï. äàåèåáåñ éöà îå÷ãí ááå÷ø. äîòåðéðéí 
áî÷åí áàåèåáåñ éëåìéí
ìäú÷ùø ìòìé æáéãàú: 715862-068.

ôøèéí òì äàåèåáåñéí îú"à-éôå åàôùøåú ùì äñòä 
îéøåùìéí éúôøñîå á÷øåá.

àéøåòéí ðåñôéí:
éåí øáéòé, 14.4, 21:00
ñéðîè÷ úì-àáéá - áîñâøú "îôâùéí îæååéú ëää"
ñøè: "îé àúä îøãëé åàðåðå?"
ôàðì: âãòåï ñôéøå, îàéø åàðåðå, àåôéø òáå

éåí çîéùé, 15.4, 20:00
äâãä äùîàìéú, øç' àçã äòí 70, ú"à
"îãåò éù ìñâåø àú äëåø áãéîåðä?"
ç"ë òéñàí îç'åì, ôøåô' ÷ìîï àìèîï

øéðä îåñ
legalese at netvision.net.il

Ongoing struggle

    #Against the Wall (contact addresses)
    #Refusniks (prisoner addresses & links to constantly updated sites)
    #Vanunu  to be released April 21
           [ links to the latest re the Donate Now "Instead of Flowers" 	
	   campaign / worldwide vigils etc. especially important for 		  
 those who don't have the Paypal option ]
        New: Contact re activities in Israel <legalese at netvision.net.il >

#Against the Wall
ðåëçåú éåîéåîéú áëôøéí îàéîéí ò"é äçåîä ìúàí òí 
àééáé 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il
àøé÷ 050-607034  info at rhr.israel.net

Day to day presence at villages threatened by route of wall.
Contact:  Ivy Sichel 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il who set's up a 
list for people who can come at short notice, or: Arik Asherman 050-
607034  info at rhr.israel.net 


Constantly-updated list of all presently jailed refusniks:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

For the latest news about the five:   


	Letters of support to 
	Noam Bahat / Haggai Mattar / Matan Kaminer
	Ma’asiyaho Prison
	P.O.B 13

	Adam Maor / Shimri Tzameret:
	Hermon Prison
	P.O.B 4011 

#Vanunu to be released April 21

Instead of sending flowers 
Wordlwide campaign WELCOME VANUNU by donating a few dollars 
(N.B.: online but ALSO otherwise) as a welcome gesture:

List of international vigils on day of Vanunu release (April 21): 

Online petition for the unconditional release of Vanunu 

For details about Free Vanunu vigils and activities in Israel, 
Call: 02-6254530 or 051-368236
or email: legalese at netvision.net.il

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in 

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.

More information about the gush-shalom-intl mailing list