[GuShalom] Sat.24/4: Working Day cave dwellers // 28/4: activist meeting

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Mon Apr 19 19:16:42 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org/

[] Saturday April 24 - Working day in solidarity with the cave dwellers
[] Tuesday, April 28: activist meeting in Beit HaKibbut HaArtzi Tel-Aviv


[] Saturday April 24 - Working day in solidarity with the cave dwellers

[English follows]

áåàå ìäæãäåú òí äúåùáéí äôìñèéðéí áãøåí äø çáøåï

áçåãùéí äàçøåðéí äúäã÷ä èáòú äçð÷ ùì äëéáåù äéùøàìé ñáéá
úåùáé äîòøåú áãøåí äø çáøåï. ëáø ìîòìä îùðé òùåøéí ðîùê
äîàîõ äîùåìá ùì îîùìåú éùøàì, äöáà åäîúðçìéí, ìäôåê àú
äàéæåø ìøé÷ îôìñèéðéí. ìëê îúååñó úååàé âãø ääôøãä äîàééí
ìðú÷ àú äúåùáéí îòééøú äîçåæ éèà, åìàìöí ìðèåù àú àåøç 
äééçåãé áå äí ãá÷éí îæä îàåú ùðéí.

áéåí ùáú ä÷øåá, 24 áàôøéì, ðöà ìéåí òáåãä ôìñèéðé-éùøàìé
áëôøéí äãøåîééí áàéæåø òì îðú ìäáéò äæãäåú òí äúåùáéí åìçæ÷
àåúí áîàá÷í òì áúéäí åî÷åø ôøðñúí.

éù ìäöèééã ááâãé òáåãä, îéí åàåëì ìîäìê äéåí. äôòåìä îúàéîä
âí ìîùôçåú.

úì-àáéá  8:00  îñåó àì-òì  øëáú öôåï  (ìôøèéí: 050-814343)
éøåùìéí  7:45 âï äôòîåï; 8:00 áðééðé äàåîä (ìôøèéí:
058-603499) çéôä  7:30 öåîú ñåìì áåðä ( ìôøèéí åúéàåí 
àéñåó áöôåï 052 - 887185) áàø-ùáò 9:00 ùòø äëðéñä
ìàåðéáøñéèä (ìôøèéí:067-804909)

úòàéåù, âåù ùìåí, ä÷îôåñ ìà ùåú÷.

Join in a day of solidarity with the Palestinians of  the South-Hebron 

During the past months the Israeli occupation is further tightening the 
noose around the neck of the cave dwellers in the South-Hebron hills.

Already for more than 20 years the government of Israel, the army and the 
settlers maintain their ongoing joint effort to make this an area "free 
of Palestinians."

Now, the planned route of the "Separation Fence" is threatening to cut 
off the inhabitants from the town of Yatta, on which they depend for 
basic necessities, forcing them to give up their centuries-old way of 

On Saturday, April 24, 2004, we will holdan Israeli-Palestinian working 
day in South Hebron Hills in order to express solidarity with the 
inhabitants and strengthening them in their struggle for their homes and 
their livelihood.

Please, bring working clothes, water and food sufficient for the day.
The action is fitting also for families.


8.00am Arlozorov Street Railway Station (info: 050-814343)

7.45am Liberty Bell Park, 8.00 Binyaney HaUma (info: 058-603199)

7.30am Solel Boneh Junction (info: 052-887185 - possible picking from 
elsewhere in the North)

Be'er Sheva:
9.00am University Entrance Gate (info: 067-804909)

               Gush Shalom, Ta'ayush, HaCampus Lo Shotek

[] Tuesday, April 28: activist meeting in Beit HaKibbut HaArtzi Tel-Aviv

English follows

                                                           áîöá äðåëçé: 
                  òí øàù îîùìä äîöäéø òì "äúðú÷åú îòæä" åôéðåé äúðçìåéåú  
                 åáå áæîï îðöç òì äñìîä ììà ú÷ãéí åáøåèàìéæöéä ùì äçáøä   
             äéùøàìéú, òí ðùéà àøä"á äðåúï âéáåé ìúëðéåú ëéáåù åñéôåç,    
                        òí îôìâú äòáåãä äîæãçìú ìîîùìä  å"ùìåí òëùéå"     
             äîàáãú ãøê àì îåì úøâéìé ùøåï, òí ãåø çãù ùì ôòéìé ùìåí      
              éùøàìéí äîöèøôéí áâåôí ìàéðúéôàãä äôìñèéðéú ðâã äçåîä       
                äâéò äæîï ùàðå, ôòéìé âåù ùìåí, ðéôâù éçã ìùîåò åìäùîéò,  
                 ìäúçì÷ áãòåúéðå åúçåùúðå àì îåì äîöá äîåøëá äæä åìäâåú   
                        (àí àôùø) øòéåðåú éöéøúééí ëãé ìäúîåãã àéúå.  
                  ðôâùéí áéåí øáéòé, 28 ìàôøéì 2004, ùòä 8.00 áòøá, ááéú  
                  äúðåòä ä÷éáåöéú, øçåá ìéàðåøãå ãä åéðö'é 13. ìäúøàåú!
In the present situation: 

with Sharon making declarations on "disengagement from Gaza" and the 
dismantling of settlements,  but meanwhile leading us towards 
unprecedented escalation and brutalization of Israeli society; 

with Bush  giving his backing to plans of occupatiuon and annexation; 

with the Labor Party crawling into the government and Peace Now losing 
its way in face of Sharon’s manoeuvres; 

with a new generation of Israeli peace activists directly joining the 
Palestinian intifada against the Wall -

it is time for us, the activists of Gush Shalom, to meet together, to 
speak and listen, to share our views and feelings of this complicated 
situation, and to formulate (if possible) some creative ideas about how 
to face it.  

We meet on Wednesday, April 28, 2004, at 8.00 pm, in the Kibbut Movement 
House, 13 Leonardo Da Vinci St., Tel-Aviv. See you!  

Ongoing struggle

    #Vanunu  to be released April 21 (more details to follow separately)
    #Against the Wall (contact addresses)
    #Refusniks (prisoner addresses & links to constantly updated sites)

#Vanunu to be released April 21 

Instead of sending flowers 
Wordlwide campaign WELCOME VANUNU by donating a few dollars 
(N.B.: online but ALSO otherwise) as a welcome gesture:

List of international vigils on day of Vanunu release (April 21): 

Online petition for the unconditional release of Vanunu 

For details about Free Vanunu vigils and activities in Israel, 
Call: 02-6254530 or 051-368236
or email: legalese at netvision.net.il

#Against the Wall
ðåëçåú éåîéåîéú áëôøéí îàéîéí ò"é äçåîä ìúàí òí 
àééáé 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il
àøé÷ 050-607034  info at rhr.israel.net

Day to day presence at villages threatened by route of wall.
Contact:  Ivy Sichel 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il who set's up a 
list for people who can come at short notice, or: Arik Asherman 050-
607034  info at rhr.israel.net 


Constantly-updated refusniks lists:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

English - http://www.newprofile.org/default.asp?language=en
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.newprofile.org/

For the latest news about the five:   


	Letters of support to 
	Noam Bahat / Haggai Mattar / Matan Kaminer
	Ma’asiyaho Prison
	P.O.B 13

	Adam Maor / Shimri Tzameret:
	Hermon Prison
	P.O.B 4011 

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in 

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.


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