[GushShalom] A'Ram Wall protest / A new Arna Mer / Soldiers speak out

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Tue Jun 1 18:12:19 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org/

[] The bulldozers approach A'Ram, volunteers needed!
[] Tali Fahima in the footsteps of Arna Mer - needs help
[] 'We don't want to die for Netzarim!' 30.5 soldiers' protest letter 

[] While the bulldozers approach A'Ram - volunteers needed!

The ant-Wall coalition in which Gush Shalom is a partner has no choice 
but being one step ahead of the bulldozers' course - next target: A'Ram

[English after Hebrew]

àôùø ìòæåø ìà-øàí!

äãçôåøéí ÷øáéí ìùëåðú à-øàí.

áéîéí àå áùáåòåú ä÷øåáéí éâéòå äáåìãåæøéí ìà-øàí, åéçìå ááðééú çåîä áâåáä
8 îèøéí òì äëáéù äøàùé äîçáø áéï îçñåí à-øàí ìîçñåí ÷ìðãéä. ë- 60,000
úåùáéí (îùëåðåú à-øàí åãàçééú àì-áøéã), îäí ë - 60% áòìé úòåãåú æäåú
éøåùìîéåú, éðåú÷å îéøåùìéí -  äçåìéí éðåú÷å îáéú äçåìéí, äéìãéí éðåú÷å
îáúé äñôø åäîáåâøéí éðåú÷å îôøðñúí.

òãééï àôùø ìòöåø àú äçåîä áöôåï éøåùìéí. éøåùìéí äéà îå÷ã ìúùåîú äìá
äòåìîéú, åà-øàí îøåç÷ú òã 10 ã÷åú îîøëæé äú÷ùåøú äáéðìàåîééí.

çééáéí ìôòåì òëùéå!
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àí áøùåúê éåí àå éåîééí ìä÷ãéù ëãé ìòæåø ìòöåø àú äãçôåøéí, àðà äåãéòå
ìîééì info at rhr.israel.net àå ìèìôåï 5637731-02

äîéãò äãøåù:
1.	ùîê,
2.	îñôø èìôåï,
3.	éîéí ôðåééí áùáåò àå úàøéëéí áäí ääâòä àôùøéú
4.	åáàéìå îéîéí àìå àôùøéú ìéðä áà-øàí.

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ùåîøé îùôè-øáðéí ìæëåéåú àãí, îçñåí ååèù, áú ùìåí, àðøëéñèéí ðâã äçåîä

*ìîòåðééðéí áúåëðéú îåñ÷ìéú.àåîðúéú òáåø éìãé à-øàí - ðà ìäú÷ùø ììééìä -

You can help A'Ram

The bulldozers are coming to A'Ram.

In the next few days or weeks the bulldozers will reach Jerusalem's
northern neighborhood A'Ram, and begin building the 8 meter wall on the
main road from A'Ram checkpoint to Qalandiya checkpoint. In this way about
60,000 residents (from A'Ram and D'hiyat al-Barid neighborhoods), of whom
60% hold Jerusalem identity cards, will be separated from Jerusalem. The
sick will be separated from the hospitals, the children from their schools
and adults from their source of livelihood.

In North Jerusalem there is still a chance to stop the wall. The world is
interested in Jerusalem and A'Ram is less than 10 minutes distance to all
local and international media sources.

We must act before the wall is built!
We need hundreds of volunteers.
If you can spare a day or two and come to help us stop the bulldozers
please send an email to info at rhr.israel.net or call 02-5637731.

We need to know:
1. your name,
2. telephone number,
3. what days of the week you can come
4. and whether you are willing to sleep in A'ram in any of these days.

Ta'ayush, Gush Shalom, The Coalition of Women for a Just Peace, The 
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Rabbis for Human Rights, 
MachsomWatch, Bat Shalom, Anarchists Against The Wall 

*Those interested in a musical/artistic program for the children of A'Ram
- Please call Layla at 054-7981647*

[] Tali Fahima in the footsteps of Arna Mer - needs help

[ðåñç òáøé ëáø ðùìç áðôøã / Hebrew version was already sent to the Israeli list]

                         Help Tali Fahima

Tali Fahima was arrested on Monday, May 24following a two-week stay in 
Jenin. During this time she was active, together with residents of the 
Jenin refugee camp, in setting up a club for study and play for the 
children of the Jenin refugee camp. In a fundraising evening which was 
held with the aid of Yuosuf 'Asfur and "Jafa" Cafe for this purpose, a 
modest sum of money was raised for buying toys, paint and to cover the 

This activity was a continuation of the vists Tali held in order to gain 
knowledge of the, situation in which the people of the Jenin refugee 
camp live, a situation which Tali described in her words: "I was there, I 
saw with my eyes and what we are doing there shocks me". During these 
visits Tali met Zakaria Zbeida, commander of the Al-Aqsa brigade in 
Jenin, wanted by the security forces, and many other men and women in the 
camp with whom she formed personal ties
Now the security forces are trying to frame Tali Fahima, in order to 
block a special human step of solidarity, compassion, and joint non-
violent action. 
Today, May 28, acourt session on her arrest was held. During this session 
the Judge Avraham Kasirer stated: "I am not convinced that theaspects 
of Fahima's deeds as presented by both sides and as presented by her in 
the mediashow her danger to the public and the security of thestate. 
...Humanitarian activity is an act of charity of the detainee and of 
others to our neighbors,....The description of Fahima's activity in this 
regard is heart-warming and to be cherished". The lower court in Petah-
Tikvah extended her arrest by two days, in order to allow the police to 
complete the investigation, and allowed her release on Sunday to house 
arrest with bail set at 5000 Shekels in cash.
She also needs to pay $1000 to the lawyers who represented her during the 
extensions of arrest. 
Tali Fahima is daughter to a low-income single-parentfamily from Kiryat 
Gat -with two sisters, which does not have the means to withstand the 
many expenses resulting from the GSS and police harresement.

As an act of solidarity we would like to cover Tali Fahima's legal 
expenses - and it is especially urgent to collect the 5000 Shekels needed 
for her bail. 
We call on you to donate as you can to this end

Cheques made to Adv. Smadar Ben-Natan or Gaby Lasky can br sent to the 
following address Lin Dovrat, Tsiona Tajer 7/2 Jaffa

For further details:

Lin 052-4502694
On Thursday, 3 June, we shall raise money during the year party of Yafa. 
Yafa is situated at 33 Yehuda MeRaguza corner Yefet St.

You can call Uri, 052-3548545, and abuaviv at actcom.net.il

Contact for donations in Haifa and the North:
Iris Bar 054-4420806
nur at netvision.net.il

[] 'We don't want to die for Netzarim!' 30.5 soldiers' protest letter 
[Cynical and flawed as it may be, Sharon's 'Disengagement from Gaza' 
gamble caused 46 more soldiers and officers to join the protest at 
spending their tour of  reserve military service at the Netzarim 
settlement.  Here follows a translation of the attached Hebrew original / 
òáøéú îö"á]


Dozens of reserve paratroopers who these days ended a tour of service at 
the [Gaza Strip settlement of] Netzarim are no longer willing to remain 
silent. "There is no logic in deploying an extended battalion for 
guarding a single isolated settlement and its dangerous access road" they 
wrote to Prime Minister Sharon". One of the signatories: "Do I have to 
commit suicide for the sake of 60 settler families? This is absurd".

By Itzik Saban, Yediot Aharonot, May 30

"We have nothing to look for at Netzarim" wrote 46 reserve soldiers and 
officers of the reserve paratrooper regiment, who these days ended a tour 
of duty at Netzarim. The signatories, who call for implementation of the 
Gaza Disengagement Plan, also include a company commander and a deputy 
battalion commander. 

"There is no logic in deploying an extended battalion for guarding a 
single isolated settlement and its dangerous access road" wrote the 
soldiers and officers. The signatories emphasize that they hold many 
different political opinions. "We are no refusers, we will present 
ourselves for service whenever required - but that does not mean we have 
to remain silent about what we are called up to do." 

Master Sergeant Michel Halimi, one of the initiators, says: "After 
serving in Netzarim, we realized we must not remain silent any more. Why 
should I have to commit suicide for the sake of 60 settler families? We 
don't want to die for the sake of a completely illogical settlement. 
We have become the servants and drivers of the Netzarim settlers. They go 
into the military outpost without bothering to ask anybody's permission, 
disrupting military operations - and nobody dares stop them. I am doing 
reserve service for many years, and I never saw anything like that."

"It is an insane situation" says another signatory. "When a convoy 
carrying civilians out of Netzarim is late, the settlers complain about 
us to the senior command. But when there is no sufficient space in the 
convoy, they take soldiers off the cars and put settlers in their place -
even when it is soldiers getting long-overdue leave."

The signatories were especially infuriated by a particular incident. 
During a memorial service which they held for four soldiers killed in 
Netzarim, the setting out of a settler convoy was delayed by a quarter of 
an hour. The settlers' "security coordinator" burst in and disrupted the 
memorial. "He was intolerably arrogant, reprimanding us and shouting 'Who 
are you to hold up the convoy?' Who is he to give us orders?"

Halimi is still furious when recalling another event. Soldiers had to set 
out on the settlement's access road in order to bring back a settler who 
missed the convoy. "On the way, we got RPG [Rifle Propelled Grenades] 
shot at us. The jeep was penetrated, and just by miracle nobody was hit. 
Had somebody been killed, what would we have said to his parents. How 
would you justify such a death. 

We felt this in our bones during the entire tour of duty, and we felt 
that we get it out, as soon as possible. Before going to the press, we 
talked with the battalion commander as well as with the regimental CO and 
his deputy." 

The Gaza Settlers' spokesperson commented:"It was a one time mistake of 
the Netzarim Security Coordinator, which was severely dealt with by his 
fellow settlers. It is a pity that these reservists came up with these 
allegations in order to influence the cabinet decision [on the Gaza 
Disengagement Plan]. We have enormous piles of thanks letters, who liked 
their sojourn in the Gaza settlements."

Parallel with sending the letter, many reservists plan to set out on a 
"Dialogue March", going on foot from the town of Yavneh to the Gaza Strip 
settlements. "We, reservists who have done many tours  the Gaza Strip, 
intend to talk to the settlers" says Major Tuly Flint, a deputy Battalion 
Commander in the Alexandroni Regiment. "We want to tell them that we are 
not refusers, but that Israel must leave the Gaza Strip. We must take 
this step".

# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)


# Refusniks 

Constantly-updated refusniks lists:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

English - http://www.newprofile.org/default.asp?language=en
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.newprofile.org/

Help us free our children from the military prison! (parents of The Five)
          For ENGLISH details please click 
          For HEBREW please click 
          Homepage with lots of information: 

# Eye-witness reports from the Occupied Territories:
  (Israeli women monitoring the checkpoints)
  (internationals throughout OT)

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in Arabic)

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

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Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.

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