[GushShalom] Wall construction in high gear - while world praises Sharon

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Sat Jun 12 21:28:09 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org


International release, Tel-Aviv June 12

[] Azawiya joint struggle against the Wall  
    Palestinian farmers, Israelis, Internationals
    + link to video footage
    + request for alerting media & politicians blinded by Sharon's Gaza 
[] HAWK IN DOVE'S FEATHERS - Gush' Friday ad
[] In short: struggle news, reminders and links


[] Azawiya joint struggle against the Wall  
    Palestinian farmers, Israelis, Internationals
    + link to video footage
    + request for alerting media & politicians blinded by Sharon's Gaza 

 âéøñà áòáøéú úùìç ìôé á÷ùä /  Hebrew version at request

June 11 - "What the army used here yesterday was not tear gas. We know 
what tear gas is, what it feels like. That was something totally 
different."   We are being briefed by  A., a middle-aged villager 
speaking Hebrew in a calm and unemotional way,  while standing 
under the scorching sun in the fields of Zawiya Village, on Friday morning.   "When we 
were still a long way off from where the bulldozers were working, they started shooting 
things like this one" (holding up a dark green metal tube with the inscription "Hand and 
rifle grenade no.400" -  in English). "Black smoke came out. Anyone who breathed it lost 
consciousness immediately, more than a hundred people. They remained unconscious for 
nearly 24 hours. One is still unconscious, at Rapidiya Hospital in Nablus. They had high 
fever and their muscles became rigid. Some needed urgent blood transfusion. Now, is this 
a way of dispersing a demonstration, or is it chemical warfare?"    "But if they think this 
will stop us, they should think again!" burst in a younger man standing behind - F., one of 
the organizers of today's march. "Without our land, what are we? Seven thousand people 
with no livelihood. Five kilometres it is from here to the Green Line, five kilometres all our 
fields and olive groves. The fence will come right up the village houses, it will leave us 
nothing. What will we eat? Better to die on our land, we will not give up!"

While we were talking, more and more villagers were arriving, from Zawiya itself and its 
neighbours Rafat and Dir Balut - the three of which are bound, once the Fence/Wall is 
complete, to become an almost completely enclosed enclave. There were also more Israelis 
and internationals arriving,several dozen in all - the anarchists who had already been here 
on the previous days, and also members of Gush Shalom and Ta'ayush and the ISM and 
the  IWPS women (the latter who are based in nearby Hares  had made the rest of us 
aware).    Some had come all the way in their private cars, dodging the army and police 
road-blocks. Others had used the settler bus line  from Tel-Aviv and then the yellow 
Palestinian taxis nimbly plying the labyrinth of blocked West Bank roads. 

Close to noon, the march set out. At the head an enormous Palestinian national flag was 
carried, and the youths burst out with "Long live Palestine" and "National Unity - Fatah, 
Hamas, Popular Front!". Whatever their party affiliation, they were invariably kind and 
welcoming to the Israelis marching at their side. Boys were going around,offering icicles 
and firmly refusing payment. An elderly woman in traditional clothes, a megaphone in one 
hand and gas mask in the other, was directing the chanting. Behind her walked two young 
Icelanders, who had come from Reykjavik to work as volunteers for the Palestinian 
Medical Relief Committees.     Many Palestinians had gas masks, as did the international 
TV crews accompanying the march. Those who did not have them made do with a kind of 
shallow carton cups with a string to keep them over mouth and nose, or with cloth tied 
over the face. Tension rose as the march wound though the fields, passing the broken 
olive trees destroyed in earlier days, and up to the point where yesterday's confrontation 
took place. And then a feeling of relief - the soldiers and bulldozers had gone away, during 
the hour before we got to the spot. There remained only a single jeep, observing from a 
distance. Finished for the weekend or avoiding another confrontation?

Right on the spot from which the soldiers shot yesterday, strewn with empty cartridges, 
the Palestinian flag went upon the pole. A young man planted a green Islamic flag beside 
it, getting some frowns from members of other factions. Under the pole, speakers took up 
the megaphone and made fiery addresses: "Listen, Sharon! Listen, Bush! Zawiya is 
steadfast! We hold on to our land, to our olive trees!" Then the Friday prayers, thousands 
of villagers kneeling in unison in the direction of distant Mecca. 

The rally and prayer over, the column was about to set out back. But many of the 
youngsters were not yet done. They ran ahead, to the recently-carved track by which 
soldiers and bulldozers have come, and started piling rocks along it. Israelis and 
internationals joined them in shifting and rolling huge rocks, some needing the work of 
twelve people to move.    "I know this will not stop the bulldozers by itself, but we will sure 
make life difficult for them every way we can" said a youth. 

Video footage of the protests of Thursday and Fridayhttp://www.iwps-pal.org/ftpiwps/videos/azzawiya_6-10-11.wmv

[Gush Shalom contacted Israeli human rights organizations about the strange gas used 
Thursday, June 10, in Zawiya village.]

PS:  Aside from Zawiya, a major confrontation is developing at A-Ram,the Palestinian 
suburb of Jerusalem where work on the Wall kicked off with the sudden destruction of a 
major artery, in complete disregard of the hundreds of thousands who use it every day. 
And today's radio news announced that in the coming week work is to begin on the Wall 
section linking the settlement of Ariel to those of Kdumim and Karney Shomron - which 
would have the effect of both seizing the land of a dozen hitherto unaffected villages and 
of driving a wedge deep into the West Bank as a whole, so as to preclude creation of a 
viable Palestinian state. 

We would like you to approach whatever media and decision-makers are accessible to you 
in your environment, making clear that uncritical support for Sharon's "Gaza 
Disengagement" - such as expressed in this week's G-8 summit(!) - is serving as a 
smokesceen for massive land-grabbing on the West Bank and violent suppression of 
SAMPLE TEXT for letters - to be used as is, or as inspiration

[feel free to add from the above report and/or from the text of the Gush advertisement 
which you find below]

 Sharon's "Gaza Disengagement Plan" - to be implemented (maybe) more than a year from 
now - should not blind you for what is at present  happening on the ground in the West 
Bank. Don't be misled by Sharon's confrontation with the extreme right and the 
rapprochement towards Israel's Labor Party. At least part of Sharon's intention is to let the 
world look elsewhere while he is fastening the pace of erecting the Wall on the West Bank. 
This Wall, and especially its route snaking through the West Bank, cutting of enormous 
bites of additional Palestinian land,  is preempting any possibility of a viable Palestinian 
state, exacerbating the conflict for a long time to come.


We don't provide addresses this time; would like you to find yourself opinion leaders in 
your environment, but please send at least one copy to the nearest Israeli embassy 


[] HAWK IN DOVE'S FEATHERS - Gush' Friday ad

[English after Hebrew]
                                                       			ðõ áðåöåú éåðä
                    àåìé éôåø÷å ääúðçìåéåú áòæä áòåã ùðä, åàåìé âí ìà . 
             úîåøú äáèçä æåìä æå ÷ðä ìòöîå ùøåï áæéì äæåì úãîéú éåðéú . 
                                                               àáì äùáåò
                       -  äåà äâáéø àú ÷öá áðééú äçåîä òì àãîä ôìñèéðéú 
                                         -  äåà ò÷ø îàåú òöé æéú ðåñôéí 
              -  äåà äøñ àú äëáéù äøàùé î÷ìðãéä ìà-øàí äîùøú îàåú àìôéí 
                                 - äåà ðåúï ìáðåú áúéí çãùéí áäúðçìåéåú 
                         ìà çùåá îä ùøåï îáèéç. çùåá àê åø÷ îä äåà òåùä 
                                        òæøå ìðå áîéîåï äôòåìåú åäîåãòåú
                                              áö'÷éí ìâåù ùìåí, ú"ã 3322
                                                         úì-àáéá 61033 .
                                                        ÷áìú îéãò ùåèó :
                                                    info at gush-shalom.org

Perhaps the settlements in the Gaza Strip will be dismantled in a year. And perhaps not.

So cheap it is for Sharon to buy himself a dovish image.

But this week:

- He stepped up the building of the wall on Palestinian farm land,

- He uprooted many more olive trees,

- He destroyed the main road from Qalandia 
  to A-Ram which serves hundreds of thousands,

- He let the settlers build new houses.

Don't listen to what Sharon promises - look at what he does!

Gush Shalom,
Donations to help us advertise 
P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033
info at gush-shalom.org

[] In short: struggle news, reminders and links

# Former US Marine and initiator of the Human Shield Action to Iraq, Ken  
O'Keefe, was jailed Thursday attempting to enter the Gaza Strip via the 
beach Israeli lawyers Yael Barda and Gabi Laski are making efforts to get 
injunction against his deportation

More information

# Enormous interest in reenactment trial of The Five

On Thursday evening, the Tzavta Hall in central Tel-Aviv was packed to 
the point of bursting where was reenacted the court martial of Haggai 
Matar, Matan Kaminer, Shimri Tzameret, Adam Maor and Noam Bahat - the 
five young men imprisoned for refusing to enlist . The actors on the 
stage played the moving testimonies of the accused and their penetrating 
condemnation of the occupation; the ranting of the prosecutor and the 
defence lawyer's appeal to constitutional and moral arguments; and 
finally, the harsh sentence - a year behind bars. (Misha Hadar, the young 
actor playing Noam Bahat, is himself a refuser bound for a prison term in 
the near future).


# Arna's Children June schedule at:

# Truth against Truth - opposite views on the history of the conflict
  in 101 steps:

Hebrew / òáøéú


# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)
Hebrew / òáøéú


# Eye-witness reports from the Occupied Territories:
  (Israeli women monitoring the checkpoints)
  (internationals throughout OT)

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in Arabic)

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

Archive of email reports:

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send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
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Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

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