[GushShalom] *Nonviolence Rally with Gandhi grandson - Abu-Dis, Friday 27th

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Mon Aug 23 17:44:07 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033  www.gush-shalom.org/

M E E T   G A N D H I
Nonviolence Rally Abu-Dis
 Friday 27th

Hebrew after English 
òáøéú àçøé àðâìéú

Friday, Aug. 27:
Special event in Abu-Dis in the honour of 


The grandson of the great Mahatma Gandhi and himself the director of the 
Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, Aron Gandhi is right now visiting our 
region & will participate in a big rally for peace, non-violence and 
cooperation between the Israeli and Palestinian peace forces.

Meeting point: Al-Quds University, from where we will march towards the 
offices of Abu Ala, the Palestinian Prime Minister. There Abu Ala and Dr 
Gandhi will join us and together we will walk towards the Wall next to 
Ras Qubsa

Speakers in the rally:
-- Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala)
-- Dr Aron Gandhi
-- Uri Avnery (Gush Shalom)
-- A Ta'ayush representative
-- Shawki Al-Hatib

Gush Shalom actvists & supporters are invited to take part in the festive 
event together with peace seekers of other groups - to demonstrate our 
persistence in the non-violent struggle as the way to peace and the end 
of the occupation - of Israelis and Palestinians together.


>From Tel-Aviv:  10.30am Arlosorof Railway Station (El-Al terminal)
>From Jerusalem: 11.30am Gan HaPa'amon (Liberty Bell Park)
                12.00 noon from French Hill (Bar Kochba St.)
>From Haifa:     still to be announced

Those who need transportation from Tel-Aviv: 

Please phone ALREADY NOW to 03-5221732, to the Gush office's answering 
machine and leave your name + ph number + number of people you will bring 
with you...    Estimated return to Tel-Aviv: between 4pm and 5pm

For more information:
Adam Keller: 03-5565804 / 050-6709603

				    ! ôâéùä òí âðãé !

áéåí äùéùé, 27 áàåâåñè, éú÷ééí áàáå-ãéñ àéøåò îéåçã áîéðå ìëáåãå ùì

  					 ã"ø àøåï âðãé

ðëãå ùì îäèîä âðãé äâãåì, îðäì "îëåï âðãé ìàé-àìéîåú", ùáà ìáé÷åø áàøõ. 
òöøú âãåìä  ìîòï äùìåí, àé-äàìéîåú åùéúåó-äôòåìä áéï ëåçåú äùìåí 
äôìñèéðééí åäéùøàìééí, úéòøê áäùúúôåúå . 

ðéôâù áàåðéáøñéèú àì-÷åãñ, ðöòã ìîùøãå ùì àáå-òìà, øàù äîîùìä äôìñèéðéú, 
ùí éöèøôå àìéðå àáå-òìà åã"ø âðãé, åîùí ðöòã áéçã àì äçåîä, ìéã øàñ-÷åáñä 

áòöøú éãáøå  -
					øàù-äîîùìä àçîã ÷øéò (àáà-òìà)
					ã"ø àøåï âðãé	
					àåøé àáðøé (âåù ùìåí)
					ãåáø úòàéåù
					ùåå÷é àì-çèéá

ôòéìé "âåù ùìåí" åúåîëéå îåæîðéí ìäùúúó áàéøåò çâéâé æä ìöã çáøé úðåòåú-
äùìåí äàçøåú, ëãé ìäôâéï àú ãá÷åúðå áîàá÷ äáìúé-àìéí ìîòï ùìåí åñéåí 
äëéáåù,  úåê ùåúôåú éùøàìéú-ôìñèéðéú .

äñòåú îúì-àáéá, úçðú àøìåæåøåá (îñåó "àì òì") áùòä 10.30 .
	           îéøåùìéí, âï-äôòîåï, 11.30 . äâáòä äöøôúéú, øçåá áø-
ëåëáà, áùòä 12 .
		îçéôä (ôøèéí òåã éáåàå) .

äîòåðéðéí áäñòä îúì-àáéá, äú÷ùøå ðà ìîùéáåï äúðåòä 03-5221732 - ä÷ãéîä 
åäùàéøå àú ùîëí, îñôø äèìôåï åîñôø äáàéí àúëí .

çæøä îùåòøú ìúì-àáéá: 4-5 àçøé-äöäøéí .

ôøèéí: àãí ÷ìø, 03-5565804, 056-709603.


# Daily updates prisoners' hunger strike at:

# Truth against Truth - opposite views on the history of the conflict
  in 101 steps 

Hebrew / òáøéú


# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)
  Now also with list of settlements
Hebrew / òáøéú


http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in Arabic)

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

Archive of email reports:

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send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
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Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
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Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.


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