[GushShalom] The way out: Only by starting to talk

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Tue Aug 31 22:17:10 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033  www.gush-shalom.org/

Press Release, August 31, 2004 


[The following is the translated press release sent to the Hebrew media]

Hebrew attached - òáøéú îö"á 

Gush Shalom (the Israeli Peace Bloc) calls upon the Government of Israel 
to cease its efforts to impose by force unilateral solutions, and start 
immediate negotiations for a comprehensive cease-fire with the 
Palestinians and cessation of all belligerent acts between Israel and the 
Palestinians. The murderous suicide bombing at Be'er Sheba, which 
deserves all condemnation, proves once again that there are no military 
solutions. It highlights the futility of those who claim to "burn the 
fact of defeat into Palestinian consciousness", "reach the bottom of the 
barrel of terrorism" and other arrogant statement by the heads of the 
army and security services. Nor can unilaterally imposed solutions bring 
us peace or quiet. 
Withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, and the dismantling of the settlements 
there, could have been constituted an enormous measure for building up 
confidence between Israelis and Palestinians - had it been decided upon 
in negotiations, as a first step towards a comprehensive solution and the 
end of the oppressive Israeli rule in all the territories occupied in 
1967. When the same withdrawal from Gaza is undertaken as a unilateral 
Israeli act, aimed explicitly at intensifying and deepening the 
occupation on the West Bank, it serves only to increase distrust and fan 
higher the flames of conflict.
Should the Government of Israel ever liberate itself from the false 
mantra that "there is no partner" and from the constant demonization of 
Yasser Arafat, it will find that a Palestinian partner does exist - a 
partner willing to go back to the political process; that among the 
Palestinian public there is considerable longing for new, non-violent 
means of action, as was manifested last week at the mass Israeli-
Palestinian rally at Abu-Dis addressed by Dr. Arun Gandhi. 

For further information: 
Adam Keller, Gush Shalom Spokesperson +972-3-5565804, +972-56-709603

For more about us: http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html

# Truth against Truth - opposite views on the history of the conflict
  in 101 steps 

Hebrew / òáøéú


# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)
  Now also with list of settlements
Hebrew / òáøéú


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\\photos of recent actions 
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