"Suicide Attacks has Reduced Dramatically"
"Since the Wall has been built, the number of suicide attacks has reduced dramatically" |
It is true that the number of suicide attacks has diminished greatly since the Palestinian
acceptance of the Road Map.
What role does the Wall play in this?
Very little. So far, only 20% of the Wall are complete.
Nothing prevents the passage of suicide bombers into Israeli cities. There simply is no Wall,
Hundreds of Palestinian workers enter Israel illegally every day
through hundreds of poorly controlled roadblocks.
If an illegal worker can slip by them daily, a potential attacker certainly can too.
These are the three main reasons for the recent fall in suicide attacks:
- A series of tacit agreements between the Israeli government and the Palestinians.
- A Palestinian realization that such attacks damage their cause greatly, which led to a determination to advance the Road map , which they see as a possible, even if very uncertain, political avenue.
- The forceful military pressure on the Palestinians is a double-edged sword: On the one hand, it has prevented some suicide attacks, but on the other hand it has increased Palestinian motivation manyfold. But even if the Wall was complete, and this claim was true, does this justify the Wall?
The question remains:
does Israel have the right to sentence an entire people to a life of imprisonment,
demanding security for itself,
while holding the Palestinian people in the iron grip of occupation?