
"Our Jerusalem" text in Hebrew/Arabic/English

For the 'Our Jerusalem' text in three languages click here

Among the signatories are:

70 university professors

131 other faculty members, doctors, lecturers and researchers

89 poets, authors, translators and editors

54 painters, sculptors and other artists

59 journalists

41 actors, moviemakers and theater directors and critics

13 psychiatrists and psychologists

32 jurists

16 architects and town-planners

57 educators

3 rabbis

11 musicians

and many others. Most are at the top of their professions. Eight signatories are laureates of the prestigious Israel Prize:

educator Lova Eliav,

poet Natan Sach ,

authors A. B. Yehoshua and the late Emil Habibi,

moviemaker Ram Levy,

actress Henna Maron,

critic Dan Miron,

sculptor Danny Karavan.

Another signatory, Lord Yehudi Menuhin, the foremost living musician, is a laureate of the Wolf Prize, Israel's equivalent of the Nobel Prize.

One signatory is a Jerusalem Prize Laureate (the world-famous German-Jewish writer, Stefan Heym).

One signatory is an ex-cabinet minister (Viktor Shem-Tov).

3 more former Knesset members are:

Uri Avnery,

Me'ir Pa'il

Charlie Biton

One is an ex-ambassador (professor Jacob Shim'oni, the Grand Old Man of Israel's orientalists.)

A very representative group of leaders of the Palestinian population in Jerusalem has signed:

Faisal al-Husseini, undisputed leader of this population, has signed publicly at a press-conference.

Hannan Ashrawi, Ziad Abu-Zayad;

deputy minister of the Palestinian National Authority Anis al-Kak;

moviemaker Daoud Kuttab,

The Palestinian ambassador to Australia, Ali Kazak

In a meeting with several of the signatories, Yassir Arafat publidy endorsed the text of the statement.

The signatories have been invited to a collective visit to the beleaguered Orient House, center of the Palestinian presence in East Jerusalem.

It is quite impossible to enumerate all the signatories and their place in Israeli society, culture and public life. A random list would include:

Ruth Dayan, the former wife of Moshe Dayan:

professor Ze'ev Sternhell;

the painter-sculptor Yig'al Tumarkin;

Heart surgeon professor Daniel Goor;

Writers Yoram Kaniuk and Yitzhak Ben-Ner;

Dramatist Hanoch Levin;

Poets Daliah Ravikovitch and Dan Almagor;

Painters Dan Kedar and Ziona Shimshi;

Dr. Ruchama Marton of the renowned Association of Israeli and Palestinian Physicians for Human Rights;

Israel's number 1 television personality Yaron London;

Lawyers Amnon Zichroni and Lea Tsemel;

Jerusalem town planner and former member of the municipa council Sara Kaminker;

renowned feminist professor Alice Shalvi;

Beduin activist Nuri al-Ukbi;

veteran Jerusalem honorary citizen and social worker Thea Natan;

Naomi Shemer-Shamruk, daughter of the German Zionist leader Hans Blumental;

the widely respected oriental Jewish scholar professor Shlomo Elbaz;

Music idol Shlomo Grunich;

Time magazine star-photographer David Rubinger;

Zika Peled , widow of army general and peace activist Matti Peled;

Military historian Me'ir Pa'il

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