War Crimes 

Gush Shalom letters

Supporting Gush Shalom against war crimes. A letter from Joshua P Yoder

To: pm_eng@pmo.gov.il, dover@pmo.gov.il, sar@mod.gov.il, info@mail.idf.il, sar@mofa.gov.il

Copies to: info@gush-shalom.org

Dear Sirs,

I was startled to hear recently that legal proceedings are being threatened against the peace organization Gush Shalom for sending letters to Israeli Defence Force officers informing them that actions they had boasted about in interviews constitute a violation of international law.

I would think you would want your officers to be informed about what are violations of international law that could lead them to be prosecuted in the future. Sending such letters simply is an act of truth-telling, which is essential in any democracy. The defensive reaction to these letters on the part of the current administration does not make you look very good.

Joshua Yoder

Elkhart, IN