[GushShalom] The hot air referendum / Sad letter / Runners against the wall

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Thu Apr 29 20:08:54 IDT 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org/

[] The hot air referendum (Gush Friday ad]
[] Sad letter to friends on Independence Day
[] Runners against the wall
[] Ongoing struggle


[] The hot air referendum (Gush Friday ad]

English follows

áéï ùéöáéòå çáøé äìéëåã áòã åáéï ùéöáéòå ðâã 

ìà éäéä ùìåí áìé ùðùéí ÷õ ìëéáåù 
åðôðä àú ëì ääúðçìåéåú áøöåòú-òæä 
åáâãä äîòøáéú âí éçã
ëì äùàø - òåøáà ôøç 

òæøå ìðå áîéîåï äôòåìåú åäîåãòåú
áö'÷éí ìâåù ùìåí, ú"ã 3322
úì-àáéá 61033 .
÷áìú îéãò ùåèó :
info at gush-shalom.org
îåãòú âåù ùìåí
"äàøõ",  30 áàôøéì 2004

Whether the Likud members vote for or against
The "Disengagement Plan" in their party's referendum

There will be no peace 
If we don't put an end to the occupation 
And evacuate all the settlements 
In the Gaza Strip and the West Bank

Everything else is just hot air

Gush Shalom,
Help us with donations to
P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033,
Phone 972-3-5221732.
Requests for information about current actions:
info at gush-shalom.org

[Gush Shalom ad Ha'aretz, April 30, 2004]

[] Sad letter to friends on Independence Day
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"Beny Gefen" <benygefen at hotmail.com>

     April, 29, 04

   I`m sending this sad message to many, in addition to you.
    Two days ago we celebrated   O  U  R    independence, preventing
    it cruelly from the others; three days ago we mentioned the Memorial 
Day and
all the media was full with descriptions of the pain and sorrow of the
    Yesterday two boys, 14 years old, died of the shooting of our soldiers
    a few days ago;
    Yesterday our soldiers wounded seriously a child, 10 years old and a
girl,15 years old.
     It has become a daily routine. Hardly it appears in the media.
     In addition to the evil and brutality of these murders it initiates
revenge. The bloodshed continues and enables our zealots continuing the
cruel occupation, holding the cursed settlements.

       Yours Beny

[Beny Gefen is seen in every demonstration - his reaction to losing his 
soldier son to the conflict.]


[] Runners against the wall
------- Forwarded message follows -------
From: Leena Dallasheh [mailto:leena at alt-info.org]

Hebrew follows. 
In cooperation with the Italian Labor Union 
The Issawiyyeh Club 
is holding a 
under the slogan 
"No to the Racist Separation Fence" 
Friday, 30 April, 9:00 a.m. 
Starting point: Migrash Hashalom [Peace Field], in al-Issawiyyeh 
Endpoint: At the wall crossing Palestinian land in the region of Azzariya 
and Zayam 
Men and women, all ages, invited 
The goal is to participate and finish the race, even walking. 
Participation means support for our struggle against racism. 
For more information: Muhammad (067) 824-850 

áùéúåó òí àéâåã äôåòìéí äàéèì÷é
îåòãåï àìòéñååéä
îéøõ îøúåï
úçú äñéñîä
ìà ìâãø ääôøãä äâæòðéú
åæàú áéåí ùéùé 30.4.2004
áùòä 9:00 ááå÷ø
ð÷åãú äæéðå÷: îâøù äùìåí áàìòéñååéä
ð÷åãú äñéåí: ìéã âãø ääôøãä äçåöä àú äùèçéí äôìñèéðééí áàæåø æòééí åòæøééä
äîéøõ äéðå ìùðé äîéðéí åìëì äâéìàéí.
äîèøä äéà ìäùúúó åìòáåø àú äîéøåõ åìå áäìéëä
äùúúôåúëí äéðä úîéëä áîàá÷ ùìðå ðâã äâæòðåú
ìôøèéí ðåñôéí: îåçîã: 067-824850

[] Ongoing struggle
    how to link up with anti-Wall struggle, refusnik news etc.

    #Against the Wall 
     contact addresses daily struggle / eye-witness reports / appeal to 

    #Refusniks (prisoner addresses & links to constantly updated sites)
     updated refusniks lists / support to five long-time incarcerated 

#Against the Wall

ðåëçåú éåîéåîéú áëôøéí îàéîéí ò"é äçåîä ìúàí òí 
àééáé 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il
àøé÷ 050-607034  info at rhr.israel.net

Day to day presence at villages threatened by route of wall.
Ivy Sichel 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il 
Arik Asherman 050-607034  info at rhr.israel.net 

Daily eye-witness reports from the Occupied Territories: 
  (Israeli women monitoring the checkpoints)
  (internationals throughout OT)

Support diplomatic opposition to the Wall by signing 
the appeal to the Irish government


Constantly-updated refusniks lists:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

English - http://www.newprofile.org/default.asp?language=en
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.newprofile.org/

For the latest news about the five: 

 Letters of support to 
 Noam Bahat / Haggai Mattar / Matan Kaminer
 Ma’asiyaho Prison
 P.O.B 13
 Ramla - Israel

 Adam Maor / Shimri Tzameret:
 Hermon Prison
 P.O.B 4011 
 KFAR M’RAR - Israel

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in Arabic)

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.


Constantly-updated refusniks lists:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

English - http://www.newprofile.org/default.asp?language=en
Hebrew / òáøéú - http://www.newprofile.org/

For the latest news about the five: 

 Letters of support to 
 Noam Bahat / Haggai Mattar / Matan Kaminer
 Ma’asiyaho Prison
 P.O.B 13
 Ramla - Israel

 Adam Maor / Shimri Tzameret:
 Hermon Prison
 P.O.B 4011 
 KFAR M’RAR - Israel

http://www.gush-shalom.org/ (òáøéú/Hebrew)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/english/index.html (English)
http://www.gush-shalom.org/arabic/index.html (selected articles in Arabic)

\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
\\Gush Shalom's history & action chronicle  
\\position papers & analysis (in "documents")
\\and a lot more

On the Gush Shalom website links for 
Articles and documents in German, French and Spanish

In order to receive Gush Shalom's Hebrew-language 
press releases mail to:
gush-shalom-heb-request at mailman.gush-shalom.org 
+ NB: write the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

If you want to support Gush Shalom's activities you can 
send a cheque or cash, wrapped well in an extra piece 
of paper to: 

Gush Shalom
pob 3322
Tel-Aviv 61033

or ask us for charities in your country which receive 
donations on behalf of Gush Shalom

Please, add your email address where to send our 
confirmation of receipt. More official receipts at 
request only.

More information about the gush-shalom-intl mailing list