(Fwd) Road Apartheid // Woman CO's struggle // ex-Mossad man vs IDF

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Tue Aug 10 00:44:57 IDT 2004


#  The Forbidden Road Regime in the West Bank 
  B'tselem calls it "Apartheid Practice"
  Translation of press release + link to Hebrew original

# "Still I won't enlist in occupation army"
   Refuser Laura Milo after court rejected her plea 	
   Translation press release, original Hebrew attached	

# Ex-deputy Mossad director: 
  IDF under Ya'alon lost its morality  
  with several links to press reports 

# The Forbidden Road Regime in the West Bank 
  B'tselem calls it "Apartheid Practice"
  Translation of press release + link to Hebrew original

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:      	Mon, 9 Aug 2004 16:35:09 +0200
From:           	"Noam Hoffstater" <noamh at btselem.org>

B'Tselem, 10 August 2004

ìòáøéú/Hebrew version at:

The Forbidden Road Regime in the West Bank - An Apartheid Practice

B’Tselem issues a new report today: The Forbidden Roads: The
Discriminatory West Bank Road Regime. In its new report, B’Tselem finds
*	Israel restricts Palestinian travel on forty-one roads and sections of
 roads throughout the West Bank, totaling more than 700 kilometers of
 roadway (the report includes a detailed map of the Forbidden Roads

*	B’Tselem has divided the Forbidden Roads Regime into three
 categories of roads: “sterile roads” where Palestinian traffic is
 completely prohibited, roads where Palestinians require special permits,
 and roads with restricted access. The regime applies only to
 Palestinians. Israeli vehicles are allowed to travel freely along these

*	Permits for Palestinians to travel on restricted roads are
 issued at the sole discretion of the Israeli security establishment.
 Rejections are given verbally and without explanation. According to the
 head of the Civil Administration, Brig. Gen. Ilan Paz, “There are no
 definitive clear criteria for examining requests for a permit.” 

*	The Forbidden Roads Regime has been in operation for years, but the rules and
 regulations for its implementation have never been issued in writing.
 Thus, Israel frees itself of accountability and increases the
 arbitrariness with which it enforces the regime. 

*	The Forbidden Roads Regime operates under the premise that every Palestinian is 
a security  risk. Based on this premise, the Roads Regime violates the rights to
 freedom of movement and to equality of hundreds of thousands of
 Palestinians in the West Bank. Israel has an obligation to safeguard the
 lives of its citizens. But this obligation does not allow it to cause
 such harsh, extensive, indiscriminate, and prolonged harm to the local
 population. By unlawfully discriminating against Palestinians based on their national
origin, the Forbidden Roads Regime is reminiscent of the apartheid system
that existed in South Africa. The regime violates fundamental principles
of international law that are binding on the State of Israel. B’Tselem
demands that the government of Israel immediately end the Forbidden Roads
Regime and that it respect the right of Palestinians to move freely on all
roads inside the West Bank.

For a copy of the report, summary, map of the forbidden roads, 
and additional details, contact Yariv Tikolsker, Outreach Director

See also:




# "Still I won't enlist in occupation army"
   Refuser Laura Milo after court rejected her plea 	
   Translation press release, original Hebrew attached	

Press release of Refuser Parents' Forum

[Hebrew attached - òáøéú îö"á ]

"The court's verdict did not and could not change my conscience, my resolution not to 
collaborate with the occupation and not to enlist in the army of occupation. If anything, the 
situation on the ground has become even worse since I declared my refusal. The Supreme Court 
decided that under the laws of the state of Israel I cannot get an exemption on grounds of 
conscience. That makes me sorry, but it must be clear - for me, enlisting in the army is not an 
option - unless something really unexpected happens, like the army pulling suddenly out of all 
the territories" says Laura Milo, the conscientious objector whose appeal to the Supreme Court 
was rejected this morning. 
A year ago, Milo wrote to the army: "The occupation is, in its very essence, totally contrary to 
my moral-humanist values. The government of Israel enacts a policy of daily humiliation of the 
occupied Palestinian population. I will not take part in a body which carries out a  reprehensible 
policy. Joining the IDF, which is an immoral body, is totally against the dictates of my 
When examined by the army's "Conscience Committee", Milo stated fortrightly that she is not 
opposed to all military service anywhere,  but rather to the occupation in particular, and that she
would be willing to enlist if the army were to terminate the occupation. 
In the past, young women taking such a position were granted exemption from military service; 
however, shortly before Milo came before the comittee, the discrepency between treatment of 
male and female refusers came out during the court-martial of five young men who refused to join 
the army. As a result, the military authorities undertook a tougher attitude to the female refusers
so as "to establish gender equality".

Laura Milo was the first girl refuser to be affected. She was ruled to be "a political refuser", 
denied discharge and ordered to formally enlist - and upon her refusal sent to a term in the 
military prison. She appealed the comittee's decision, stating that Israeli law specifically grants
women the right to exemption on grounds of "conscience or a religious way of life" and that 
therefore the comittee had no authority to deny her the exemption. 
However, the court this morning rejected the appeal. The verdict, written by Judge Ayala 
Procatcha and assented to by her two colleagues Matza and Levy, interpreted the law as 
meaning that exemption on grounds of conscience should be granted as of right to religious 
women only. 
Non-religious women refusers would be treated like their male counterparts: exemption might be 
granted total pacifists, who oppose all miltary service at times and circumstances - but even that 
would be given at the army's discretion, as a "good will gesture", rather then as a right; and 
"selective refusers", male or female, would be totally excluded from any possibility of exemption. 
The court did grant a two weeks' stay of execution before Milo has to go back to the military 
prison, so that her lawyers can ask for a further review by a larger panel of judges. The two 
advocates, Smadar Ben Nathan and Gabi Laski, assert that there are many ill-considered points in 
today's verdict, both in substance and judicial procedure, to justify such a review.            

"The judicial system has again exhibited toughness towards persons of conscience, who refuse 
to take part in violent and immoral acts - while soldiers who mistreat Palestinian passers-by at 
roadblocks get off with ridiculous punishments" said Adv. Laski. And Adv. Ben Nathan added:
"In the name of so-called equality, the Supreme Court effectively wiped away women's Freedom 
of Conscience, which had been recognized for decades - rather then extend  recognition of the 
same freedom to men as well.
According to this verdict, a  woman who strongly approves of war and conquest but is part of a 
conservative community wose spiritual leaders hold that "a woman's place is at home" would get 
automatic exemption from military service. Yet this kind of exemption is denied to an independent-
minded young woman who already formulated a clear and coherent worldview, a woman who 
spent the last two years in doing valuable community and educational work at Yerusham and 
other poverty-stiken towns. Now the court tells her that she must give up that communitry work 
in order to enlist in an army of occupation, and that refusing to violate the dicates of her 
conscience could land her in prolonged,repeated prison terms. 

With all due respect,one finds it difficult to deny the impression that,with regard to 
conscientious objectors, the judicial system is extremely accomodating to the wishes of the 
govenment and the army command.

Laura Milo  03-6416802 / 064-840678
Adv. Laski  03-6243215  / 054-418988
Adv. Ben Nathan  03-5619666 / 053-589775 
Adam Keller  03-5565804 / 050-6709603 
See also:

And for gow to support the refuseniks' struggle:

# Ex-deputy Mossad director: 
  IDF under Ya'alon lost its morality  
  with several links to press reports  

As we could see on our TV screens (News of Channel-II):
Former deputy Mossad director, Shmuel Toledano, launched a 
harsh verbal attack on Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff 
Moshe Ya'alon, saying that under his lead the IDF has lost its "purity of arms". 

for more:



# For photos of the Gush Shalom visit to the Muqata

# Truth against Truth - opposite views on the history of the 
conflict in 101 steps 

Hebrew / òáøéú


# Boycott List of Settlement Products (newly updated)
  Now also with list of settlements
Hebrew / òáøéú


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\\photos of recent actions 
\\the weekly Gush Shalom ad 
\\the columns of Uri Avnery 
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