Press Releases 

International Peace Day: marching in solidarity with Wallajeh. Build bridges, not walls!

Saturday Sept. 16 at 15:30. Marking international peace day. Marching in solidarity with the village of Wallajeh. calling: Build bridges, not walls.

March with us against the annexation of lands and the demolition of houses. Come and stand with the people of Wallajeh in their struggle for their lands, oppose the policies of the Israeli government which jeopardizes any possibility for a fair ending to the occupation and a future of peace, independence, equality and justice for Palestinians and Israelis.

The march will take place on Saturday, 16.9.17. We will meet at 3:30 PM, and march from the Everest hotel in Beit Jala towards the village of Wallajeh.

Busses will leave from Beer Sheva, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa and the West Bank

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