Press Releases 

"I'm writing you from prison."

"I go on refusing to enlist and getting again and again imrisoned, in protest of the IDF’s role in the occupation, hoping to contribute to a more open and honest discussion of the alternatives for Israel’s future."

A quick update to let you know that conscientious objector Yasmin Ricci-Yahav arrived last Monday at Israeli Army's Tel Hashomer induction center and announced for the third time her refusal to enlist. Upon her imprisonment, she said:

"My name is Yasmin Ricci Yahav, I am 18 years old, and today I will declare my refusal to enlist in the IDF for the third time. To date I have spent 30 days in military prison, and I expect to be sentenced for a third prison term. I continue to refuse to enlist in protest of the IDF’s role in the occupation and with the hope that my choice will contribute to a more open and honest discussion of the alternatives for Israel’s future."

Thank you very much for your interest in and support in the Israeli refuser movement, and as always you can join us in support the refusers in the link below.

Shana Tova (happy new year) to all those who resist injustice

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Refuser Solidarity Network .