(GushShalom] Palestinian-Israeli joint Journey censored by French Ministry

Gush Shalom (Israeli Peace Bloc) info at gush-shalom.org
Fri Mar 12 22:14:54 IST 2004

GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 - www.gush-shalom.org/

International release, March 12 2004

[] Palestinian-Israeli film censored by French Ministry
    - you can add your protest -
[] About withdrawal babbles & the ethics of large-scale killing
[] Update ongoing struggle
    Send refusniks a postcard

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[] Palestinian-Israeli film censored by French Ministry
    - you can add your protest -

[In the very end (after the French) you find the letter we just posted and 
which may inspire you.]

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:           	"oz shelach" <oznik at oznik.com>
Date sent:      	Wed, 10 Mar 2004 16:11:07 +0100
Subject:   Palestinian-Israeli film censored by French Ministry of Culture

[French follows] 

Below is a press release from Momento Productions, and a letter to the 
French minister of culture, already signed by over three hundred
supporters. Those wishing to join this call, can send the letter directly to: 

Jean-Jacques Aillagonk, French minister of culture, through the ministry's
web site: <http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/comment-ministre.htm>

Pompidou Center the President M. Bruno Racine, through the center's web

Press release: 

Palestinian-Israeli film censored by French Ministry of Culture

In an unprecedented move, the organisers of France¹s biggest 
documentary film festival, Le Festival du Cinéma du Réel (4 to 14 
March 2004), held annually at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, have 
cancelled one of the screenings of the film Route 181 ­ Fragments of a 
Journey to Palestine-Israel, which is co-directed by the Palestinian Michel 
Khleifi and the Israeli Eyal Sivan. 

In a statement signed by the Ministry of Culture, the Pompidou Centre and 
the Bibliothèque publique d'information (Bpi), the organisers justify their 
decision in the following manner:

"The film's broadcast on ARTE last November had already provoked 
intense emotion, particularly among those who are alarmed by the rise of 
anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish statements and acts in France, and who 
consider that the film's underlying hostility to the existence of Israel may 
be of a nature to encourage these acts.

Since announcing the presence of the film in this year's festival
programme, many letters from diverse sources have been received by the 
management of the Centre Pompidou and the Bpi, expressing their 
unhappiness that the film was going to be shown once more in a
publicly-owned space. 

In view of this unease, and in view also of the risks to public order, the 
Ministry of Culture and Communication, the Centre Pompidou and the Bpi 
have together decided to reduce the number of screenings of the film to 
one, instead of the two originally planned, and to warn the audience 
before the screening of the dangers of any unilateral point-of-view. In 
consideration of the state of French society today, this intervention is of 
the utmost importance to our understanding of the rights of citizenship 
(un enjeu citoyen tout à fait essentiel).

Nonetheless, we wish to express our attachment to the organisers' freedom 
of choice in putting together cultural events but also to [the need] to act 
as an institution conscious of its responsibilities."

The film's two directors immediately responded to these suggestions with 
the following words: ³We are utterly stupefied to hear of the proposed 
cancellation of the screening of our film on March 14thÅ  which we find 

Your statement suggests that our film is of a nature to encourage ³the 
rise of anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish statements and acts in France². This 
defamatory accusation is the result of a campaign of pressure and 
intimidation on the Centre Pompidou and on the Bpi.

We are as concerned about anti-Jewish and racist acts in France as our 
anonymous detractors. But in the face of these phenomena, no one has a 
monopoly or right of exclusivity over concern or the love of justice and 
peace, as our films have shown over the past two decades.

This shameful decision, is based on such vague notions as the ³intense 
emotion² or the ³unease² of some, as well as ³the risks to public 
order², is extremely serious. It indicates that the State's cultural 
apparatus is incapable of assuring the screening of a film or the running of 
a film festival. Quite apart from the fact that your act will only reinforce the 
odious fantasies of some, it also takes us a step nearer to the re-
establishment of censorship and is a clear encouragement to extremists. 
To yield to pressure and to sectarian demands as you have done will 
hardly pacify emotions and lead to a real debate of the issues posed by 
the film. 

This is why we urge you to retract your decision and to authorise the
festival's organisers to re-programme the screening on March 14th.

Michel KHLEIFI and Eyal SIVAN.

For further information, please telephone + 33 1 43 66 25 24 or email
momento.production at wanadoo.fr www.momento-production.com

AN OPEN LETTER (french version follows english)


For its 26th edition, the Festival du Cinéma du Réel, one of the most 
prestigious get-togethers of documentary film was to screen, outside the 
competition, the film Route 181, Fragments from a Journey in Palestine-
Israel, by Palestinian and Israeli filmmakers Michel Khleifi and Eyal Sivan. 
However, at the request of the Ministry of Culture, in charge of the 
Festival and the Centre Pompidou, the Festival has cancelled one of the 
two screenings. 

In a press release justifying its decision, the Ministry of Culture says
it took into account the "strong feeling, notably among all those who are 
alarmed by the rise of antisemitic or Judeophobic talk and acts in
France," and in order to prevent "risks of a threat to public order" that
may be aroused by the two screenings initially planned. 

We would like to share our deep concern at such a decision, which has the 
appearance of censorship without being called by its name. Without 
necessarily sharing the choices and points of view expressed in Route 181, 
Fragments from a Journey in Palestine-Israel, we deem it unacceptable to 
categorize this work as one which may arouse "antisemitic or Judeophobic 
talk and acts." As a work of art, Route 181 takes part in an intellectual 
debate, that anyone is free to criticize. We are shocked that the Ministry
of Culture assumes the right to define the terms of this debate by
prohibiting the distribution of this film.

 We are concerned by the precedent set by such a decision. By yielding 
today to a hypothetical "threat to public order," the Ministry of Culture 
takes the risk of abdicating tomorrow before any organized criticism 
against an intellectual and artistic endeavor. A Minister of Culture must 
protect the artwork, not ally himself with those who attack it. 

We ask therefore, of Jean-Jacque Aillagon, to reconsider his decision.

Jean-Luc Godard, filmmaker ; Russel Banks, writer ; Randa Chahal Sabbag, 
filmmaker ; Tzvetan Todorov, research director at CNRS; Frank Eskenazi, 
producer; Esther Benbassa, study director at the EPHE; Julie Bertucelli, 
filmmaker ; François Maspero, writer ; Claire Simon, filmmaker ; Hubert 
Nyssen, writer and publisher, and more than 300 other signers, full list
available at www.momento-production.com



Pour sa 26ème édition, le Festival du Cinéma du Réel, l'un des 
plus prestigieux rendez-vous du cinéma documentaire devait projeter, 
hors compétition, le film Route 181, fragments d'un voyage en Palestine-
Israël des cinéastes palestinien et israélien Michel Khleifi et Eyal 
Sivan. Or, à la demande du Ministère de la Culture, tutelle du Festival, et 
du Centre Pompidou, le Festival vient de supprimer l'une des deux 
projections. Dans un communiqué justifiant sa décision, le 
Ministère de la Culture estime prendre en compte la " vive émotion, 
notamment chez tous ceux qui s'alarment de la montée des propos et 
antisémites ou judéophobes en France " et se préserver ainsi " des 
risques de trouble à l'ordre public " que pourraient engendrer les deux 
projections initialement prévues. 

Nous tenons à faire part de notre très vive inquiétude face à une
telle décision qui s'apparente à une censure qui ne dit pas son nom.
Sans forcément partager les choix et les points de vue exprimés dans 
Route 181, fragments d'un voyage en Palestine-Israël, il nous paraît 
inacceptable de catégoriser cette ¦uvre comme pouvant susciter " des 
propos et actes antisémites ou judéophobes ". En tant qu'¦uvre de 
l'esprit, Route 181 participe à un débat intellectuel, que chacun est libre 
de critiquer. Nous sommes choqués que le Ministère de la Culture
s'arroge le droit de définir lui-même les termes de ce débat en
interdisant de fait la diffusion de ce film.

Nous sommes inquiets du précédent que crée une telle décision. 
En cédant aujourd'hui devant un hypothétique " trouble à l'ordre 
public " le Ministère de la Culture prend le risque d'abdiquer demain 
devant toute critique organisée contre un travail intellectuel et 
artistique. Un Ministre de la Culture se doit de protéger les ¦uvres et 
non de se ranger du côté de leurs détracteurs.

Nous demandons donc à Jean-Jacques Aillagon de revenir sur sa 

Jean-Luc Godard, cinéaste ; Russel Banks, écrivain ; Randa Chahal 
Sabbag, cinéaste ; Tzvetan Todorov, directeur de recherches au CNRS; 
Frank Eskenazi, producteur; Esther Benbassa, directrice d'études à 
l'EPHE; Julie Bertucelli, cinéaste ; François Maspero, écrivain ; 
Claire Simon, cinéaste; Hubert Nyssen, écrivain et éditeur. Plus de 
personnes du monde de la culture se sont associées à cette lettre 
ouverte, la liste est consultable sur 

[Gush Shalom's  letter]

As Israelis devoting their lives to the decades-long struggle for peace and 
justice, we decided to write to you.

We were informed of your decision to forbid a second screening, on  
March 14th,  of the film "Fragments of a Journey to Palestine-Israel" - the 
film made by our friend the film maker Eyal Sivan together with Palestinian 
film maker Michel Khleifi.

We are afraid that your decision is not a wise one. By the very fact of this 
film being the co-production of an Israeli-Palestinian duo it clarifies that 
Israelis (Jews) and Palestinians (Arabs) are not "by nature" each other's 
enemies. As such the film makers' Journey is par excellence a journey 
against stereotypes.

Was it really your intention to discourage those in this tormented region 
who work for a future of peace? Was it really your intention to prevent 
French people from being confronted with a vision which blurs the divide?

I hope you will reconsider

[] About withdrawal babbles & the ethics of large-scale killing

[Translation of ad in today's Ha'aretz;
Hebrew version soon at the site //òáøéú á÷øåá áàúø 


Sharon talks about leaving the Gaza Strip - perhaps all of it, and perhaps 
not. Not before next year, and perhaps not at all.

They talk about it endlessly: politicians, generals, pundits, reporters, right-
wingers, left-wingers.

This has struck everything else from the agenda: the Road Map, the 
monstrous wall that is being built in the Palestinian territories, the Geneva 
Understandings, the Greek island corruption affair, the Kern corruption 
affair, the Tannenbaum affair.

And in the meantime, inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are being killed daily 
and wholesale: armed fighters as well as children, women and old people.

By the "most moral army in the world", acting according to an "ethical 
code" invented by professors. 

Gush Shalom

[If you agree, help us publish it,
checks to: P.O.Box 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033]

[] Update ongoing struggle
    Send refusniks a postcard

Refuser news:

Constantly-updated list of all presently jailed refusniks:

English - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/english/prison/
Hebrew - http://www.yesh-gvul.org/prison/

For the latest news about the five:   


	Letters of support to 
	Noam Bahat / Haggai Mattar / Matan Kaminer
	Ma’asiyaho Prison
	P.O.B 13

	Adam Maor / Shimri Tzameret:
	Hermon Prison
	P.O.B 4011 
Day to day presence at villages threatened by route of wall.
Contact:  Iby 064-604172 isichel at netvision.net.il 
who set's up a list for people who can come at 
short notice, or: Arik Asherman 050-607034  info at rhr.israel.net 

List of international vigils on day of Vanunu release:

Online petition for the unconditional release of Vanunu 

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